J. J. Smulsky / Natural Science 3 (2011) 268-274
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
above-stated, the problem of perihelion rotation is de-
fined by many circumstances. Here we have not men-
tioned a problem of reliability of observation data ap-
proximation. We have tried to state other problems
clearly and with necessary explanatory that everyone
might pass on this way and be convinced of our conclu-
We have briefly outlined a number of stages of the re-
search phenomenon of rotation of the Mercury perihe-
lion, which were performed by computer algorithms. We
used the numerical integration of the differential equa-
tions systems, a variety of calculations with geometric
transformations, mathematical treatment of time series
and other computer calculations. Due to them, it was
found that the components of the perihelion rotation of
the Mercury’s orbit can be explained by the correct ac-
count of Newton’s gravitational force in the interaction
of the celestial bodies.
1) The velocity of perihelion rotation relatively mo-
tionless space accordingly observation data is equal to
583 arcsec per century.
2) The velocity of perihelion rotation relatively mo-
tionless space as a result of interaction of the planets
under the Newton law of gravity is 530 arcsec per cen-
3) The Newtonian interaction of planets and of the
compound model of the Sun’s rotation gives the obser-
ved Mercury’s perihelion precession.
I am grateful to David Weber for being interested in the problem and
his work to notify society of our received results. Many calculations in
the above-mentioned studies were performed on supercomputers of
Siberian Supercomputer Center of Russian Academy of Science.
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