Z. J. Wang, R. L. Barner
Figure 10. The snapshot of the account removal page.
• cyoafrontpage.php—The front page of the Web system that allows the user to either register for a user ac-
count, login with the user account, or to poll the MySQL table for the username and/or password if they for-
got it.
• cyoaregistration.htm l—The new user registration page, which asks for the user’s name, gender, desired user-
name , password , security question (chosen from a drop-down list), and security answer.
• registrationaction .php—The registration results page, which displays the information that the user just in-
putted for their new user account [8]. If an error occurred, the user has to repeat the registration process, and
no new user account would have been added to the MySQL table, CYOAUsers.
• forgotuserpass.html—If a user forgets his/her username and/or password, he/she could poll the MySQL table
for their information by picking their security answer from a selection box and typing in their security an-
swer, which is case sensitive.
• forgotuserpassactionnotin.php—The forgot username/password results page, if the user has not logged into
the online tool. This page displays the user’s username and password combination in a small table if their
security question and answer inputs are both correct. If an error occurred, the user would have had to start
the process of obtaining their information over again.
• cyoalogin.html—The main login page, which prompts the user to input their username and password. There
are hidden variables embedded in the login form on this page that pertained to the “randomized” text adven-
ture; specifically, those variables are “fire”, “water”, and “eart h”.
• cyoaloginaction.php—The user would never see this page. It consists of a java script that directed the user to
cyoaloginactionb.php, after polling the MySQL table to check that their username and password combina-
tion are correct. The login session began on this page.
• cyoaloginactionb.php—The user hub, which allows the user to either choose a text adventure to pursue,
change their options, or logout.
• classicprimer.php—The beginning prompt of the first text adventure, which is labeled as “Classic CYOA:
Dungeon Crawler” on the website. Every page, linked to this page by a series of redirections via form but-
tons, involves the text adventure. Each page features a short prompt and two choices, preceded by buttons,
which allowed the user to choose what they would like to pursue during the text adventure. These pages are
used for the entertainment side of the project only, used as a vessel to fuel the story contained within the text
• randomstartdirect.php—Began the second of the two text adventures available on the website, titled “Classic
CYOA: Dungeon Crawler REVAMP: Randomized”. Because this particular text adventure consists of four
“roo ms ” that the user cycles through at one point or another, this page randomly chooses one of the rooms to
start the user off inside, which allows for more varied text adventure experiences [6]. It is unlikely for the
user to begin in the same room, even if the user began this same text adventure one play through after anoth-
er. The following pages correspond to the pages linked together to form this particular randomized text ad-
• waterlanding.php, firelanding.php, earthlanding .php, finallanding.php—“Landing” pages that increment the
session variable dependent upon the element of the room. Session variables “water”, “fire”, and “ear th ” are
used to track which rooms the user had previously visited. If all session variables held a “1”, the user would
be directed to the “finallanding.php”, which led to the end of the text adventure.
• “Fire” rooms, which features a prompt and two choices preceded by a form button for redirection to other
pages, includingfirebackaway.php, firefeelaround.php, firegrabjewel.php, fireputout.php, firereachinto.php,
firesearch. php, firewithdraw.php. These pages are used for the entertainment side of the project only, used as
a vessel to fuel the story contained within the text adventure.