A Research on Service Recognition 63
Figure 1. Definition serv ic e and product by specifici ty.
and intangible products cannot be completely separated.
People were given a specific product or service is often
tangible products and intangible products complexly [5].
3.7. Service Characteristics
Service characteristics concludes: service invisible, the
production and the expense indivisibility, the service
non-storability, the service heterogeneity, customer’s par-
ticipation in service process, does not involve transfer of
ownership, etc. Modern service has a high level of integra-
tion capability and comprehensive professional outsourc-
ing capabilities. Mature professional segments and special
sharing capabilities are two key concepts of modern ser-
vices. For example, there is competition among banks, but
the settlement center can be outsourced to the same com-
3.8. Service in the Role of Society and Economics
First of all, services can reduce the space between pro-
ducers and consumers, realize all logistics, information
flow and capital flow transmission reasonable and pro-
mote knowledge and technical dissemination. Then the
service also infiltrate in every chain such as physical
goods production, distribution and consumption, and
play a promotion role of realize the value and use value
of physical goods. Moreover, the service can develop the
physical commodity the value to increase its added value,
enhances consumer’s effectiveness, meets the consumer
need well [6].
3.9. Enterprise Service Bus
Gartner believes that the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is
a new structure with developing Web services, messag-
ing middleware, intelligent routing and transmission,
EBS is a central components of the flowing of software
services and application integration. The service realize
communication through routing, addressing and protocol
conversion, use authorization, authentication and identi-
fication to assure security, process message with trans-
formation, the media and certification, ensure service
quality through affair distributed, use logs, measurement,
monitoring, error processing and metadata to implement
3.10. Service Developing Process
Service is always exists, and the service complexity and
integration become higher. An object, has the use value
first, enters into the trading system for the exchange as
goods. When goods move from the traders to customers,
there are communications between people because of the
value of the goods, or other things transmission, and the
commercial contacts and relationships amount these
communications is called service. At present, the in-
creasing scale of services and the increasingly networked
can be used in more areas of information delivery ser-
vices or goods, the increasing number of transactions to
accommodate the same time, getting higher and higher
level of integratio n of services [7].
3.11. Service Development Trend
Provide a more professional or more efficient and cost-effec -
tive service is a commo n trend in the regional bu sine ss [ 8].
According to the investigation, 92.1% enterprise chooses
“to provide a better service”, 61.5% enterprise chooses “to
provide more professional, more efficient and more
cost-effective service”, 30.6% enterprise chooses “to
move up to provide comprehensive services”. The east-
ern area and western area’s government select significant
increasing service-related operation in business in the
next five years. It is much positive than the Northeast
area and the middle area, reflected the fastest and the
slowest economic development in regions with ser-
vice-related business has a large demand. For the indus-
try public services, the needs are significant in every dif-
ferent area, requiring a corresponding increase in per-
sonnel and material inputs.
3.12. Service Mechanism
E-commerce service mechanism mainly has B to B
(Business to Business, enterprise serves other enterprise's
demand through vertical gateway or level gateway, ver-
tical gateway provides product or service to sole indus-
trial type, level gateway provide multi-domains service),
B to C (Business to Client, enterprise take user’s demand
as service target), C to C (Client to Client), C to B (Cli-
ent to Business), B to G (Business to Government, enter-
prise is committed to meet the needs of the government
and other enterprises) and so on. E-government's service
mechanism mainly has G to G (Government to Govern-
ment, including electronic transfer of documents,
e-justice file sharing, financial management, etc.), G to B
(Government to Business, including electronic procure-
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