The Effects of Dual Listing on Share Prices and Liquidity in the Absence of Registration Costs 21
4. Summary
This paper examines the influence of an amendment to
the Securities Law, legislated in 2000, designed to en-
courage dual listing of Israeli companies, both in Israel
and the US, by exempting them from the burden of addi-
tional reporting to ISA. The main findings is that the
trade volume in shares of the dual listed companies in-
creased by about 123% and that the increased liquidity
had a positive effect on share prices, up to 9%, on aver-
age. We also find that the trade volume in Israel consti-
tutes about 42% of the overall trade volume in both Israel
and the US and that this growth did not affect trade vol-
umes in the US. These findings are consistent with Ami-
hud and Mendelson [17] regarding the effect of liquidity
on share prices, and with the model proposed by Merton
[7] regarding the broadening of invertors’ base and its
positive effect on both liquidity and share prices.
The importance of our findings, pertaining to the posi-
tive influence on trade volumes and share prices in the
absence of registration costs is due, inter alia, to the de-
velopment of harmonized supervision over the capital
markets worldwide, such as the “single passport” in
Europe, which significantly reduces the costs of capital
raising in various capital markets within the EU.
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