Y. Z. BAI, X. W. XU
Open Access JAMP
0.65 m/s. Figure 3 is the velocity of ground motion
component parallel to the strike direction. Because the
Tangshan earthquake is a special strike event, the ground
motion parallel to strike is the mainly character of ground
motion. The maximum of ground motion parallel to
strike direction is 0.9 m/s and is larger than that of com-
ponent vertical to strike direction and ground surface.
Figure 4 is the velocity of ground motion component
vertical to the ground surface. The maximum of ground
motion vertical the ground surface is 0.85 m/s and larg er
than that of component vertical to strike direction. Com-
paring the maximum of our computational result with
other scholar’s computation, we find our computational
result is very near to theirs, which shows our achieve-
ment is reasonable.
Comparing the above three computational result fig-
ures, when the earthquake happens due to the strike slip
movement of strike fault, the main motion of ground
surface is parallel to the fault strike direction and vertical
to the ground surface. And these two kind motions have
the high frequency vibration at the same time, which can
be seen from the Figures 3 and 4. Since the computa-
tional spot is 4 km to the Tangshan fault, the three
ground motion component almost begin at the 1 - 2
second. Because in earthquake, the S wave is mainly
factor to cause damage, the corresponding time of max-
imum of ground motion vertical to ground surface and
parallel to strike direction almost equals to the time of
S-wave travel to the computational spot.
5. Acknowledgements
This work is supported by the China Earthquake Admin-
istration through “Earthquake Backbone Technology
Professionals Foundations” and “Discern and evaluation
of earthquake risk zone (2012BAK15B01)”. Thank Shuo
Ma for his providing the computation code to calculate.
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