Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing, 2013, 1, 90-96
Published Online November 2013 (
Open Access JDAIP
Spatial Multidimensional Association Rules Mining in
Forest Fire Data
Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang
Department of Computer Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Received September 20, 2013; revised October 25, 2013; accepted November 8, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Hotspots (active fires) indicate spatial distribution of fires. A study on determining influence factors for hotspot occur-
rence is essential so that fire events can be predicted based on characteristics of a certain area. This study discovers the
possible influence factors on the occurrence of fire events using the association rule algorithm namely Apriori in the
study area of Rokan Hilir Riau Province Indonesia. The Apriori algorithm was applied on a forest fire dataset which
contained data on physical environment (land cover, river, road and city center), socio-economic (income source, popu-
lation, and number of school), weather (precipitation, wind speed, and screen temperature), and peatlands. The experi-
ment results revealed 324 multidimensional association rules indicating relationships between hotspots occurrence and
other factors. The association among hotspots occurrence with other geographical objects was discovered for the mini-
mum support of 10% and the minimum confidence of 80%. The results show that strong relations between hotspots
occurrence and influence factors are found for the support about 12.42%, the confidence of 1, and the lift of 2.26. These
factors are precipitation greater than or equal to 3 mm/day, wind speed in [1 m/s, 2 m/s), non peatland area, screen tem-
perature in [297K, 298K), the number of school in 1 km2 less than or equal to 0.1, and the distance of each hotspot to
the nearest road less than or equal to 2.5 km.
Keywords: Data Mining; Spatial Association Rule; Hotspot Occurrence; Apriori Algorithm
1. Introduction
Forest fires are considered to be a potential hazard that
causes enormous physical, biological and environmental
losses. Hotspots are image pixels that may represent fires.
A study on the spatial relationships between the location
of hotspots occurrence and specific geographical objects
near the hotspots is essential. Therefore, the possible in-
fluence factors for fires can be determined to predict the
future hotspots occurrence.
Spatial data mining is a growing research area in ana-
lyzing large spatial data. It is a process to extract knowl-
edge, spatial relationships, or the other interesting pat-
terns not explicitly stored in spatial databases [1]. In a
spatial data mining system, attributes of neighbors of an
object may have a significant influence on the object
itself. Therefore, the discovery process for spatial data is
more complex than those for non-spatial data, because
spatial data mining algorithms have to consider the
neighbors of objects in order to extract useful knowledge
In this study, a technique in data mining, namely asso-
ciation rule mining, is applied to a case study. The pur-
pose of the case study is to discover relations between hot-
spots occurrence and the characteristics of neighboring
objects of hotspots. Pre-processing steps for spatial data
were performed to prepare a dataset as the input of well-
known association rule algorithm, i.e. Apriori. The results
are spatial association rules describing frequent co-oc-
currences between variables in the spatial database.
Some works related to mining spatial association rules
are discussed in [3-6]. Moreover, Berardi, et al. [7] dis-
covered spatial association rules from a particular kind of
images, namely document images. This work studied six
papers, published in the IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, in the January and
February 1996 issues. The rules discovery is based on the
processes of layout structure extraction (layout analysis)
and logical structure extraction (document image under-
standing). This work uses SPADA (Spatial Pattern Dis-
covery Algorithm) [8] to generate association rules, for
example [7]: is_a(A,running_head) on_top(A,B), is_a
(B,content), type_text(A), support: 90.9%; confidence:
This rule means that if a logical component (A) is a
running head, then it is textual and it is on top of another
layout component (B) which is a component of type
content. This rule has a high support and a high confi-
dence i.e. 90.9%.
A case study by [9] determines the existing spatial re-
lationships between the location of incidents and specific
geographical objects near the center of Helsinki. This
work performed the transformation of spatial data to the
transaction format such that the classic association rules
algorithms can be applied to the data. Each object in the
transactional file is identified by only its unique ID, geo-
graphical coordinates and the specification of object type
(point, line, or polygon). The algorithm based on the Ap-
riori algorithm was utilized to extract association rules
from the transaction file. One of the rules is as follows:
bars and restaurants incidents (1.7%; 40.0%).
This rule states that an incident has occurred in a
neighbourhood of 40% of all bars and restaurants within
the Helsinki city center during the studied time period.
Spatial association rules of land use were extracted in
the study by [10] from the land use data of Yi city in
Hubei Province in China. This work used the fuzzy con-
cept lattice method to obtain land use spatial association
rules, which can offer decision supports in land suitabil-
ity evaluation, classification and grading and land use
planning [10].
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Forest Fires Data
The study area is Rokan Hilir district in Riau Province in
Indonesia. Rokan Hilir spans an area of 8881.59 Km2 [11]
or approximately 10% of Riau’s total land area. Rokan
Hilir is located in the western part of the north Sumatera,
the southern part of Bengkalis district and Rokan Hulu
district, the eastern of Dumai and the northern part of the
north Sumatera and Melaka strait. The district is divided
into 13 subdistricts with the total of population is
552,400 based on Population Census 2010 of the Riau
Province [12].
The data used in this study are as follows:
1) Spread and coordinates of MODIS hotspots 2008.
The data are provided by Fire Information for Resource
Management System (FIRMS), University of Maryland,
NASA, Conservation International.
2) Digital maps for road, rivers, city centers, land cov-
er, and the administrative border from National Coordi-
nating Agency for Survey and Mapping (BAKOSUR-
TANAL), Indonesia.
3) Socio-economic data from BPS-Statistics Indonesia
including inhabitant’s income source, population density,
and number of school per km2.
4) Weather data 2008 (in the NetCDF format) includ-
ing screen temperature, precipitation, 10 m wind speed,
and surface height. The data were collected from Mete-
orological Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG),
5) Digital maps for peatland depth and peatland types
provided by the Wetland International.
A MODIS hotspot/active fire is a vegetation fire, but
sometimes it is a volcanic eruption or the flare from a gas
well. It is detected using the MODIS (or Moderate Reso-
lution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument, on board
NASA’s Aqua and Terra satellites [13]. A MODIS hot-
spot represents the center of a 1 km (approximately)
pixel flagged as containing one or more actively burning
hotspots/fires (Figure 1).
In the study area, as many 517 MODIS hotspots were
found in 2008. We create a buffer of each hotspot and
then 513 points were randomly generated outside buffers
as non-hotspot points. The radius of buffer is 0.90737 km
as the result of Landsat TM image processing.
The spatial data as influencing factors for hotspots
occurrence are stored in layers in the spatial database.
There are three types of spatial features in the layers i.e.
point, line, and polygon. The spatial reference system
UTM 47N and datum WGS84 were assigned to all layers
in the spatial database.
2.2. Data Transformation
Association rules mining requires a dataset in the trans-
action format which contains transaction id and item sets.
Several steps were performed to create the transaction
dataset from the set of layers of influencing factors for
hotspots occurrence. The tools utilized in data transfor-
mation are PostgreSQL 9.1 (
to manage the spatial database, PostGIS 1.5
( to perform spatial operations,
and Quantum GIS 1.7.2 ( to analyze
and to visualize spatial data.
This work applied topological and distance relation-
ships to relate spatial objects in two different layers. The
topological operation ST_Within that is available in Post
GIS defines whether a point feature is located inside a
polygon feature. For example, for each hotspot and non-
hotspot point, we determine whether the points are inside
a land cover type in which land cover objects are repre-
sented in polygon (Figure 2). The operation ST_Within
was also used to relate the hotspot occurrence layer to
other layers i.e. income source, precipitation, screen
temperature, 10 m wind speed, peatland type and peat-
land depth.
Moreover, the distance function is used to calculate
distance from a point (or line) to another point (or line).
Open Access JDAIP
Figure 1. The MODIS hotspot represents the center of a 1
km (approximately) pixel [13].
Figure 2. Hotspot locations overlaid with the land cover la-
This work computed distance from hotspots and non-
hotspots (point features) to the nearest river (line fea-
tures), to the nearest road (line features), and to the near-
est city centers (point features). For example, Figure 3
shows hotspot locations overlaid with road and city cen-
ters. Figure 4 shows how distance from a hotspot to
every river segment is calculated and the minimum value
is considered as the distance from a hotspot to the nearest
river. To perform this task, the spatial operation ST_
Distance in PostGIS 1.5 was applied to calculate distance
of objects to the nearest river, road, and city center. Be-
cause the Apriori algorithm requires categorical values in
a dataset, the minimum distance were converted to cate-
gorical values based on the classes provided in Table 1.
Table 2 provides the number of spatial features in all
layers in the forest fire database. The layers contain spa-
tial objects that may influence hotspots occurrence. In
order to discover associations between spatial objects and
hotspots occurrence using the Apriori algorithm, each
layer is related to the hotspot layer.
Relating the hotspot layer to other layers using the
spatial operation ST_Within and ST_Distance results
several new layers. For example, Figure 5 shows the
relations as the representation of layers. Each relation has
the attribute the_geom which stores the geometry type of
spatial features. The new layer (c) is obtained by apply-
ing the spatial operation ST_Within to define whether
points in the hotspot layer (a) are inside polygons in the
land cover layer (b) or not.
Figure 3. Hotspot locations overlaid with road and city cen-
Figure 4. Hotspot locations overlaid with the river layer.
Table 1. Classes for distance from target objects to nearest
city centers , ri vers, and roads.
Distance target
object to nearest
city center (x)
in km
Distance target
object to river
(y) in km
Distance target
object to road
(z) in km
Low x 7 y 1.5 z 2.5
Medium 7 < x 14 1.5 < y 3 2.5 < z 5
High x > 14 y > 3 z > 5
Open Access JDAIP
Table 2. Layers in the database.
Layer Number of features
Distance to nearest river (dist_river) 1030 points
Distance to nearest road (dist_road) 1030 points
Distance to nearest city center (dist_city) 1030 points
Land cover (land_cover) 3058 polygons
Income source (income_source) 117 polygons
Population density (population) 117 polygons
Number of school per km2 (school) 117 polygons
Precipitation in mm/day (precipitation) 7 polygons
Screen temperature in K (screen_temp) 7 polygons
10m wind speed in m/s (wind_speed) 7 polygons
Peatland type (peatland_type) 58 polygons
Peatland depth (peatland_depth) 68 polygons
Figure 5. A new layer (c) as the result of relating the hotspot
layer (a) and the land cover layer (b).
All new layers were integrated into a single layer by
matching identifiers of objects in the hotspot layer and
those in other layers. This step produced a relation that is
considered as a transactional dataset for the Apriori algo-
2.3. Spatial Association Rules
The basic idea of mining association rules from spatial
databases is similar to those from non-spatial databases
(transactional or relational databases). A spatial associa-
tion rule has the form A B (s%, c%), where A and B
are sets of spatial or non-spatial predicates, s% is the
support of the rule, and c% is the confidence of the rule
[1]. Spatial association rules differ with non-spatial asso-
ciation rules because it may include spatial predicates
such as distance information (for instance, close_to, and
far_away), topological relations (for example, touch,
overlap, and intersect), and spatial orientation (such as
right_of, and east_of). An example of spatial association
rule is as follows: x is a shopping centre x close to a
bus station x close to a settlement area (0.5%, 75%).
The rule says that 75% of shopping centers that are
close to bus stations are also close to settlement areas,
and 0.5% of the data belong to such a rule.
2.4. Apriori Algorithm
The Apriori algorithm was introduced by [14] to discover
frequent itemsets and association rules in a transactional
dataset that have support and confidence greater than the
user-specified minimum support (minsup) and minimum
confidence (minconf) respectively. An association rule
has the form X Y, where X and Y are a subset I, I is a
set of items, and X Y = . The Apriori algorithm is as
follows [14]:
Lk is a set of large k-itemsets. This set contains k-
itemsets that have minimum support. Ck is a set of can-
didate k-itemsets. Itemsets in this set are potentially large
itemsets. In the Apriori algorithm, the apriori-gen func-
tion has the argument Lk1 i.e. the set of all large (k1)-
itemsets. The output of this function is a superset of the
set of all large k-itemsets [14].
1) L1 = {large 1-itemsets};
2) for (k = 2; Lk 1 ; k++) do begin
3) Ck = apriori-gen (Lk 1); //New candidates
4) forall transactions t D do begin
5) Ct = subset(Ck, t); //Candidates contained in t
6) forall candidates c Ct do
7) c.count ++;
8) end
9) Lk = {c Ck | c.count minsup}
10) end
11) Answer = kLk;
Open Access JDAIP
There are three most widely-used measures for select-
ing interesting rules i.e. support, confidence and lift.
Support and confidence of the rule A B are defined as
follows [1]:
BPAB  (1)
confidence |
BPBA (2)
B is the percentage of transaction in a
transactional dataset D that contain both A and B whereas
confidence(AB) is the percentage of transactions in D
containing A that also contain B [1]. Equation (2) is also
stated as follows:
 
confidence upport
 (3)
In order to measure the correlation between A and B in
the rule AB, the correlation measure Lift may be used
which is computed as follows [1]:
 
 
lift ,PA B
Based on the value of
lift ,
B in Equation (4), the
relation of occurrence of A and B is described as follows.
lift ,
B is greater than 1, then A and B are posi-
tively correlated meaning that the occurrence of A im-
plies the occurrence of B. If
lif t
B is less than 1,
then A and B are negatively correlated. A and B are inde-
pendent if
t ,
B is equal to 1. It means that there is
no correlation between A and B [1].
2.5. Multiple Dimensional Association Rule
In multiple dimensional association rule mining, associa-
tion rules are discovered from a dataset which contains
more than one attribute (called as a dimension). For ex-
ample, in single dimension mining, we can generate a
rule: buys (X, “pc tablet”) buys (X, “earphones”),
whereas in a multidimensional mining, we can generate a
rule: Occupation (X,” IT staff”) and Salary (X, “10-20K”)
buys (X, “smartphone”).
In this rule, occupation, salary and buys are dimen-
sions that may have different types such as boolean, cate-
gorical and numerical.
Srikant and Agrawal [15] introduced an approach to
map the quantitative association rules problem to the
boolean association rules problem. The quantitative val-
ues are partitioned into intervals and then the pair < at-
tribute, interval > is mapped to a boolean attribute [15].
For example, the attribute Age can be partitioned into
two intervals: 20 - 29 and 30 - 39. The categorical attrib-
ute correspond to <attribute, value>. For example, the
attribute Married that has two values: yes and no, is re-
placed to the pair < Married: Yes > and < Married: No>.
Figure 6 shows an example of a dataset before and af-
ter mapping to boolean association rules problem. We
can apply the algorithms for mining single dimension
association rule to the new dataset (Figure 6(b)).
3. Result and Discussion
Pre-processing steps on the spatial forest fires data result
a dataset consisting of 490 records. Variables in the
dataset are hotspots occurrence, distance to nearest river
(dist_river), distance to nearest road (dist_road), distance
to nearest city, center (dist_city), land cover (land_cover),
income source (income_source), population density (popu-
lation), number of school per km2 (school), precipitation
in mm/day (precipitation), screen temperature in k (screen
_temp), 10m wind speed in m/s (wind_speed), peatland
type (peatland_type), and peatland depth (peatland_
depth). The Apriori algorithm which is available in the
statistical computing tool R (
was executed on the dataset and it generated 2981 asso-
ciation rules. The purpose of this study is to find possible
factors that strongly influence hotspots occurrence.
Therefore for further analysis, we only study association
rules that include hotspots occurrence. There are 324
rules or about 10.87% containing hotspots occurrence
generated from the dataset with the minimum support of
10% and the minimum confidence of 80%.
For the support value greater than or equal to 25%,
weather variables and socio-economic variables occur
with hotspots in the study area. The support of 25%
means that 123 transactions out of 490 transactions sup-
port the association rules. The weather variables included
in the rules are precipitation 3 mm/day and screen
temperature = [297˚K, 298˚K) whereas the socio-eco-
nomic variables appeared in the rules are population den-
sity 50 and number of school in 1 km2 0.1.
The physical environmental factors including dist_city
= (7 km, 14 km], dist_river 1.5 km, dist_road 2.5 km,
and land_cover = Plantation occur together with hot
Figure 6. A dataset before (a) and after (b) mapping to boo-
lean association rules problem (Srikant and Agrawal, 1996).
Open Access JDAIP
spots in the rules that have the support less than 25%.
Moreover, hotspots appear in non-peatland and in the
area where inhabitant’s income source is plantation.
Several rules extracted from the forest fire transaction
dataset are as follows:
1) {hotspot_occurrence = Yes} => {precipitation 3
mm/day} (44.49%, 100%, 1.03)
2) {hotspot_occurrence = Yes} => {school 0.1}
(36.94%, 83.03%, 1.00)
3) {population 50, hotspot_occurrence = Yes} =>
{screen_temp = [297K,298K]] (25.31%, 80%, 1.05)
4) {income_source = Plantation, hotspot_occurrence =
Yes} => {population 50} (18.57%, 85.85%, 1.27)
5) {dist_city = (7 km, 14 km), hotspot_occurrence =
Yes) => {precipitation 3 mm/day} (20.20%, 100%,
6) {peatland_type = non_peatland, hotspot_occurrence
= Yes} => {wind_speed = [1 m/s, 2 m/s)} (13.27%,
83.33%, 1.20)
For each rule, the first number between brackets repre-
sents the support, the second is the confidence of the rule,
and the third is the lift of the rule. The rule 1 is the
strongest rule among all rules generated from the forest
fires dataset. This rule has the support of 44.49%, the
confidence of 100%, and the lift of 1.03. It means that
44.49% of the transactions contain at least the factor
hotspot_occurrence = Yes and precipitation 3 mm/day
and all transactions that contains hotspot_occurrence =
Yes also contain precipitation 3 mm/day. The lift of
rule 1 is greater than 1 meaning that hotspot_occurrence
= Yes and precipitation 3 mm/day are positively corre-
lated. This rule means that there is a high probability that
the hotspots occurred in the area which has precipitation
is greater than or equal to 3 mm/day. The rule 2 states
that about 36.94% of the transactions in the dataset that
contain hotspot_occurrence = Yes also contain school
0.1. This means hotspots are probably occurred in less
populated regions in which the number of school in the
area of 1 km2 is less than or equal to 0.1. Rules 3 and 4
show the associations between hotspots occurrence and
two socio-economic factors i.e. population 50 and in-
come_source = Plantation as well as the weather factor
i.e. screen_temp = [297K, 298K).
According to the rule 5, hotspots occur in locations in
which the precipitation is greater than or equal to 3 mm/
day. The distance between the locations to nearest city
centers is greater than 7 km and less than 14 km. As
many 99 transactions out of 490 transactions (20.20%)
support this association. The rule 6 means that hotspots
were found in non-peatlands with the range of 10 m wind
speed is [1 m/s, 2 m/s).
Figure 7 shows the scatter plot for 324 association
rules containing the item hotspot_occurrence = Yes. Ea-
ch point in the plot represents a rule. Support and lift are
Figure 7. Scatter plot for 324 association rules containing
the item hotspot_occurrence = Yes.
used for the x-axis and y-axis respectively while the
color of the points is used to indicate the confidence level
of the rules.
The rule in the bottom right in Figure 7 has the high-
est support i.e. 44.4898%. There are 24 rules in the top
left corner with the highest lift of 2.258065 and the high-
est confidence of 1. In the average, these rules are sup-
ported by 12.4149667% of records in the dataset. In ad-
dition to hotspots occurrence, the rules include other
factors that are considered as influencing factors for fire
events. These factors are precipitation greater than or
equal to 3 mm/day, wind speed in [1 m/s, 2 m/s), non
peatland area, screen temperature in [297K, 298K), the
number of school in 1 km2 less than or equal to 0.1, and
the distance of each hotspot to the nearest road less than
or equal to 2.5 km.
4. Summary and Future Work
This paper discusses the application of the association
rule algorithm to discover strong relationships among
hotspots occurrence and other geographical objects for
forest fires. Pre-processing steps were conducted on the
spatial forest fire dataset in order to prepare a task rele-
vant dataset for the Apriori algorithm. Two types of spa-
tial relationships namely topological and metric were
applied to relate a spatial feature to other spatial features.
Our analysis with the minimum support of 25% and
the minimum confidence of 80% shows strong relations
among hotspot occurrence, weather variables, and socio-
economic. Hotspots mostly occur in less-populated areas
with population density being less than or equal to 50
and number of schools per km2 being less than or equal
to 0.1. The precipitation when the hotspots occur is
greater than or equal to 3 mm/day and the interval for
screen temperature is [297˚K, 298˚K).
The association among hotspots occurrence and phy-
sical environmental factors was discovered for the sup-
port greater than 10% and less than 25%, and the mini-
Open Access JDAIP
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mum confidence of 80%. Hotspots were found not far
from rivers and roads where the distance of the hotspots
to the nearest river and road was less than or equal to 1.5
km and 2.5 km, respectively. Areas where hotspots found
are covered by plantation and thus inhabitant’s income
source is plantation.
In future work, we intend to investigate how negative
association rules algorithms may be applied on the forest
fire dataset to discover strong relations between geo-
graphical objects and locations where hotspots are not
probably occurred.
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