Vol.2, No.8, 470-472 (2013) Case Reports in Clinical Medicine
Is angiography still the best method to stratify stroke
risk in symptomatic atherosclerotic carotid plaque?
Gustavo W. Kuster1*, A. J. Da Rocha2, A. S. F. Silva2, R. A. Valiente3, M. S. G. Rocha3,
A. R. Massaro4
1Division of Neurology, São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil; *Corresponding Author: gwkuster@hotmail.com
2Department of Radiology and Pathology, Fleury Institute, São Paulo, Brazil
3Division of Neurology, Santa Marcelina Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil
4Sao Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil
Received 20 June 2013; revised 18 July 2013; accepted 25 August 2013
Copyright © 2013 Gustavo W. Kuster et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Li-
cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The degree of vessel lumen narrowing is an
independent predictor of ischemic stroke. New
development s in carotid plaque m orphology imag-
ing (MR, CT), may bring new insights to the re-
lationship between carotid atherosclerotic di-
sease and stroke risk. Our aim is to review the
stroke risk in a symptomatic patient with moder-
ate carotid stenosis by CT imaging and histo-
pathology. A 72-year-old patient with low ABCD2
scores TIA and moderate left internal carotid
stenosis (50% by carotid ultrasound), was dis-
charged with an optimized medical therapy.
Four months later, he presented an ischemic
stroke in the left frontal area. Carotid angi-
ography showed a 60% stenosis in the left-
internal carotid artery with a regular surface. CT
plaque imaging detected a thin fibrous cap with
calcification and an intraplaque hemorrhage (high-
risk plaque). These findings were confirmed in
the histolopathological study of the atheroscle-
rotic plaque performed after the endarterectomy.
After 1 year of follow-up, the patient returned
independently to his daily activities. We propose,
in this stud y, the inclusio n of nonin vasive p laque
imaging in the evaluation of acute TIA with
moderate carotid stenosis to better select pa-
tients with higher risk of stroke recurrence.
Keywords: Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque; CT;
Plaque Classification
Carotid atherosclerotic plaque has been identified
since our ancient ancestors and some in the recent
modern era have been evaluated to the prevention of
catastrophic stroke [1]. The report from North America
Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET)
in 1991 has stimulated new interest in carotid stenosis
and confirmed angiography as a gold standard method to
stratify symptomatic patients to endarterectomy [2].
The degree of vessel lumen narrowing is an indepen-
dent predictor of ischemic stroke, particularly in sympto-
matic patients with severe carotid stenosis (70%). Ca-
rotid endarterectomy is also associated with a moderate
stroke risk reduction in patients with symptomatic
moderate carotid stenosis (50% - 69%). However, treat-
ment decisions in these cases should be also considered
as other important issues including an exceptional sur-
gical skill [3]. In addition, opti mal medical treatment has
been improved and becomes a topic of equal impor-
tance for managing carotid disease, especially in those
patients with asymptomatic atherosclerotic plaque [4].
New developments in carotid plaque morphology
imaging, particularly MR or CT, may bring new insights
to the relationship between carotid atherosclerotic di-
sease and stroke risk [5,6].
Our aim is to review the stroke risk in a symptomatic
patient with moderate carotid stenosis according to the
plaque surface morphology and the degree of stenosis on
carotid angiography and to compare the carotid plaque
morphology classification obtained by CT imaging and
A 72-year-old previously hypertensive patient arrived
at emergency department with a sudden onset of right
sided weakness lasting 10 minutes. He was evaluated
using the TIA assessment protocol and obtained a low
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
G. W. Kuster et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (2013) 470-472 471
ABCD2 score. The only remarkable finding was a
proximal moderate left internal carotid stenosis (50%)
detected by the carotid ultrasound examination. He was
discharged and referred to the neurological outpatient
clinic with an optimized medical therapy.
Four mouth later, he presented a recurrence of similar
symptoms without a complete recovery (NIHSS = 2) and
arrived at hospital outside of the therapeutic window for
reperfusion. Brain MRI demonstrated an ischemic stroke
lesion in the corona radiata and frontal cortex visible in
the FLAIR and T2-weighted imaging. Carotid angio-
graphy showed a 60% stenosis in the left proximal
internal carotid artery with a regular surface (Figure
1(A)). CT plaque imaging (Figure 1(B)) detected a thin
fibrous cap with calcification and an intraplaque hemorr-
hage (Figure 1(C)) classified as a high-risk plaque ac-
cording to the American Heart Association plaque
classification [7]. These findings were confirmed in the
histolopathological study of the atherosclerotic plaque
(Figure 1(D)) performed after the endarterectomy. After
1 year of follow-up, the patien t returned indep enden tly to
his daily activities (modified Rankin score = 1).
Carotid ultrasound is usually the first line exa mination
to evaluate carotid disease in patients with TIA and
Figure 1. (A) Digital Subtraction Angiography with 60% bulb
carotid stenosis, according NASCET criteria, and regular
surface (arrow). (B,C) Contrast CT carotid plaque imaging with
a thin fibrous cap (green), calcification (blue), rich lipid ne-
crotic core (yellow) and intraplaque hemorrhage (red). (D)
Histological sample (HE, ×400) of pos endarterectomy carotid
plaque confirming hemorrhage (arrow).
detects a stenosis degree in the lower limit of the range
(50%) for a clinical decision in favor of carotid endarte-
rectomy in our patients.
Carotid angiography performed in the recurrent
ischemic event did not significantly add new information.
We hypothesized that the stenosis grade obtained (60%)
might have changed during the interval between the two
ischemic events due to dynamic modification in the
structure and have turned into a high risk plaque. CT
plaque imaging identified features beyond luminal ste-
nosis or plaque surface and represented a new non-
invasive imaging technique that might reliably assess
plaque vulnerability in symptomatic carotid disease pa-
tients presenting with an acute ischemic event. Based on
histological American Heart Association criteria, the
classification allows categorization of carotid plaques
noninvasively into distinct lesion types (I-VIII). Athero-
sclerotic plaques that are prone to rupture owing to their
intrinsic composition such as a large lipid core, thin
fibrous cap and intraplaque hemorrhage are associated
with subsequent thromboembolic ischemic events as oc-
curred in our patients.
CT plaque imaging classification worked less well for
classifying lipid-rich necrotic cores and hemorrhage,
probably because the range of densities associated with
these components overlapped with the densities as-
sociated with connective tissue, but they showed a good
correlation with histological classification when only
large lipid core and large hemorrhage are considered [5].
On the other hand, MRI has also some limitations in the
acute stroke evaluation and needs a specific phased-array
surface coil for plaque examination [6].
Timing of carotid endarterectomy after an ischemic
event may largely influence outcome. Therefore, we
propose the inclusion of noninvasive CT plaque imaging
in the evaluation of acute TIA with moderate carotid
stenosis to better select patients with high er risk of strok e
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[2] North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy
Trial Collaborators (1991) Beneficial effect of carotid
endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high grade
carotid stenosis. The New England Journal of Medicine,
325, 445-453.
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Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symp-
tomatic moderate or severe stenosis. The New England
Journal of Medicine, 339, 1415-1425.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
G. W. Kuster et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (2013) 470-472
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
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