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5. Conclusions
A MixCASA algorithm has been proposed in this paper
for CR based TD-LTE system. In this algorithm, spec-
trum resources are allocated contiguously in best-fit
method if there are sufficiently enough contiguous vacant
channels for a SU’s demand. Otherwise spectrum aggre-
gation is applied to guarantee the number of channels
that can be allocated. Simulation results have shown that
when the sensed spectrum is not extremely broken, this
algorithm can guarantee a high number of allocated
channels and reduce the overhead brought by excessive
spectrum aggregation as well.
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Because spectrum efficiency and overhead are the
main factors that we try to balance, we don’t take the
interference SUs bring to PUs into consideration in this
paper. Our future work will focus on both spectrum effi-
ciency and power optimization.
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6. Acknowledgements [13] D. Chen, Q. Zhang and W. Jia, “Aggregation Aware
Spectrum Assignment in Cognitive ad-hoc Networks,”
Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Com-
munications, 2008. CrownCom 2008. 3rd International
Conference on. IEEE, 2008, pp. 1-6.
This work is supported in part by National Key Tech-
nology R&D Program of China (2012ZX03003006),
NSFC (Grant 61271181), and National 973 Program of
China (2012CB316005).