Modern Economy, 2013, 4, 706-711
Published Online November 2013 (
Open Access ME
The Role of Policy Fundamentals in Fostering Economic
Growth in Developing Countries
Minh Quang Dao
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, USA
Received October 10, 2013; revised November 8, 2013; accepted November 15, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Minh Quang Dao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper examines the role of policy fundamentals in fostering economic growth in developing countries. Based on
data from the World Bank for the 2000-2011 period and a sample of sixty-two developing economies we find that the
growth rate of per capita GDP is dependent on a country’s investments in human capital as measured by the share of the
public sector in total health expenditure and by the relative size of public education in the government’s budget, on an
enabling business environment as measured by two Doing Business indicators, namely the cost of starting a business as
a percent of per capita income and the number of days required to enforce contracts, and by the share of losses due to
theft, robbery, vandalism, and arson in sales as reported in the enterprise surveys, on the depth of the credit information
index and the share of domestic credit provided by the banking sector in the GDP, on the initial level of per capita GDP,
and on the share of the net inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the GDP. We observe that the coefficient esti-
mates of two explanatory variables, namely, the share of the public sector in total health expenditure and by the relative
size of public education in the government’s budget, do not have their expected sign, possibly to the collinearity be-
tween these variables and the cost of starting a business as a percent of per capita income as well as with the initial level
of per capita GDP. In addition, the share of the public sector in total health expenditure is not significant via using the
t-test. We suspect that this is also due to the collinearity between this variable and the cost of starting a business as a
percent of per capita income as well as with the initial level of per capita GDP. Statistical results of such empirical ex-
amination will assist governments in developing countries and focus on appropriate policy fundamentals in order to
foster economic growth.
Keywords: Doing Business Indicators; Investments in Human Capital; Per Capita GDP Growth; Developing Countries
1. Introduction
This study empirically examines the role of policy fun-
damentals in fostering economic growth. According to
the 2013 World Development Report: Job s, while the key
engine of job creation is the private sector, being respon-
sible for 90 percent of all jobs in the developing econo-
mies, governments also play a crucial role in ensuring
that the conditions are present for robust private sec-
tor-led economic growth and in easing the constraints
which prevent the private sector from creating good jobs
for growth [1]. The Report identifies the first stage in the
approach to assisting government to meet these goals as
policy fundamentals which include, among other things,
financial access, stability, and efficiency, investments in
human capital and a business environment conducive to
investment and hence to growth.
This paper attempts to estimate the role of these policy
fundamentals in fostering economic growth. Based on
data from the World Bank for the 2000-2011 period and
a sample of sixty-two1 developing economies we find
that the growth rate of per capita GDP is dependent on a
country’s investments in human capital as measured by
the share of the public sector in total health expenditure
and by the relative size of public education in the gov-
1The sample consists of the following countries: Algeria, Argentina,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria,
Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Czech
Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana,
Guinea, Hungary, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Lao PDR, Latvia, Leba-
non, Lesotho, Liberia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali,
Mauritania, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan,
Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tan-
zania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Republic of Yemen.
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ernment’s budget, on an enabling business environment
as measured by two Doing Business indicators, namely
the cost of starting a business as a percent of per capita
income and the number of days required to enforce con-
tracts, and by the share of losses due to theft, robbery,
vandalism, and arson in sales as reported in the enterprise
surveys, on the depth of the credit information index and
the share of domestic credit provided by the banking
sector in the GDP, on the initial level of per capita GDP,
and on the share of the net inflow of foreign direct in-
vestment (FDI) in the GDP. We observe that the coeffi-
cient estimates of two explanatory variables, namely, the
share of the public sector in total health expenditure and
by the relative size of public education in the govern-
ment’s budget, do not have their expected sign, possibly
to the collinearity between these variables and the cost of
starting a business as a percent of per capita income as
well as with the initial level of per capita GDP. In addi-
tion, the share of the public sector in total health expen-
diture is not significant via using the t-test. We suspect
that this is also due to the collinearity between this vari-
able and the cost of starting a business as a percent of per
capita income as well as with the initial level of per cap-
ita GDP. We also note that neither the share of gross
capital formation in the GDP nor the degree of trade
openness as measured by the share of exports and im-
ports in the GDP explains cross-country variations in per
capita GDP growth rates. Statistical results of such empiri-
cal examination will assist governments in developing
countries and focus on appropriate policy fundamentals
in order to foster economic growth.
This paper is organized as follows. In the next section,
a selected review of the economic literature on the effect
of institutions and business environment on economic
growth is discussed. This is followed by the formulation
of a statistical model to be estimated. Theoretical under-
pinnings for the inclusion of explanatory variables are
presented in this section. Statistical results are reported in
the subsequent section. A final section gives concluding
remarks as well as policy recommendations.
2. Selected Review of the Literature
Much of the research on identifying the key determinants
of economic growth in developing countries recently
points to differences in underlying public policies and
institutions as the main factor. Empirical studies have
used a myriad of variables as proxies for institutions,
which include measures of the risk of expropriation, the
limits to the power of the executive branch and the power
of the rule of law (see, for example, Hall and Jones [2]
and Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson [3]. Frankel and
Romer, on the other hand, identify as a primary factor of
economic development as measured by per capita income
specific economic policies such as the extent to which a
country is open to international trade, while Gallup,
Sachs and Mellinger attribute development to geo-
graphical determinants such as differences in climate and
coastal access [4,5].
Using instrumental variable regressions, Rodrik, Sub-
ramanian and Trebbi evaluate the main competing ex-
planations, namely good institutions and good economic
policies as well as geography and show that institutions
measured as a variable defining the strength of the rule of
law are dominant relative to both economic policy meas-
ured as the degree of openness to international trade and
geography in terms of explaining cross-country varia-
tions in per capita income levels [6]. Glaeser, La Porta,
Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer, however, revisit the issue
of whether political institutions lead to economic growth
or growth and human capital accumulation cause to bet-
ter institutions [7]. They argue that most indicators of
institutional quality are conceptually unsuitable for being
used in explaining growth and also find flaw in some of
the instrumental variable techniques used in the literature.
Their basic OLS results suggest that education levels are
a more basic source of growth rather than institutions.
Djankov, McLiesh, and Ramalho use objective measures
of business regulations in 135 countries find a positive
relationship between better regulations as measured by
the Doing Business indicator and economic growth [8].
More recently, Gillanders and Whelan argue that the
emphasis on the primacy of legal and political institu-
tions may be misleading and argue that business-friendly
economic policies as proxied by the World Bank’s Doing
Business indicator are the main factor contributing to
cross-country differences in per capita income levels [9].
They find that the Doing Business rank is dominant over
a range of measures of legal and political institutional
quality in terms of explaining variations in per capita
income. They also find the rank to be statistically sig-
nificant in explaining cross-country differences in eco-
nomic growth while observing that the significant role of
educational attainment as found by previous studies is
not supported when the rank is included in their growth
Building upon the first stage in the approach to help
governments in developing countries meet the objectives
of both insuring that the conditions are present for robust
private sector-led growth and easing the constraints that
prevent the private sector from creating good jobs for
development, namely policy fundamentals that include
investments in human capital, financial access, stability,
and efficiency, and an enabling business environment,
we next specify a statistical model relating these policy
fundamentals to the growth of per capita income. Em-
pirical results are presented in a subsequent section. The
final section gives concluding remarks as well as policy
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implications. standing the business environment in a country. A con-
tribution of this study is that we also include the World
Bank Enterprise Surveys as proxies for the business en-
vironment. These Surveys compile data at the firm level
in order to benchmark the business environment of vari-
ous economies and evaluate how productivity and job
creation are affected by business environment constraints.
In some countries, crime, theft, and disorder impose costs
on business and society. This in turn will have a negative
impact on economic growth.
3. The Statistical Model
Following Djankov, McLiesh, and Ramalho [8] and Gil-
landers and Whelan [9], we use the World Bank’s Doing
Business indicators as proxies for business-friendly eco-
nomic policies (also referred to as objective measures of
business regulations). According to the World Bank, in
addition to macroeconomic stability, other factors that
shape daily economic activity such as the rule of law,
regulations, and institutional arrangements also deter-
mine the economic health of a country. The Doing Busi-
ness indicators can be helpful to policymakers in under-
To estimate the impact of policy fundamentals on eco-
nomic growth we specify the following statistical mo-
  
   
012 345
678910 11
PubHealthPubEd StartCostCntrctDays CredDeep
CredBank Crime00NetOpenness
 
  
The depth of credit information index measures rules
affecting the scope, accessibility, and quality of informa-
tion available through public or private credit registries.
Since higher values indicate the availability of more
credit information, we expect the coefficient estimate for
this variable to have a positive sign. The domestic credit
provided by the banking sector as a share of GDP meas-
ures banking sector depth and financial development in
terms of size. The banking sector includes monetary au-
thorities, deposit money banks, and other banking insti-
tutions for which data are available. We thus expect the
coefficient estimate for this variable to also have a posi-
tive sign.
where ypc = Average annual growth rate of per capita
GDP, 2000-11.
PubHealth = Public sector share of total health expen-
diture, in percent, in 2010.
PubEd = Public expenditure on education as a per-
centage of total government expenditure, in 2010.
StartCost = Cost of starting a business as a percentage
of per capita income, in June 2011.
CredDeep = Depth of credit information index, from 0
(low) to 6 (high), in 2010.
CredBank = Domestic credit provided by banking
sector as a percentage of GDP, in 2010.
Crime = Losses due to theft, robbery, vandalism, and
arson as a percentage of sales, various survey years. Crime, theft, and disorder impose costs on businesses
and society. As the estimated losses from those causes
that happened on establishments’ premises as a percent-
age of annual sales increase, we expect them to have a
negative effect on per capita GDP growth. To capture the
tendency for poor countries to grow faster than rich
countries (termed β-convergence) we include the initial
(2000) level of real per capita GDP and expect the coef-
ficient estimate for this variable to have a negative sign
as well.
PGDP00 = Per capita GDP at purchaser prices, in dol-
lars, in 2000.
NetFDI = Share of net inflows of foreign direct in-
vestment in GDP, in percent, in 2011.
I/Y = Share of gross capital formation in GDP, in per-
cent, in 2010.
Openness = Share of exports and imports of goods and
services in GDP, in percent, in 2010.
We use the 2000-2011 per capita GDP growth rate at
market prices based on constant local currency for ypc.
We expect the coefficient estimates for the two invest-
ments in human capital variables to have a positive sign.
On the other hand, since the cost of starting a business is
normalized as a percentage of gross national income
(GNI) per capita and includes all official fees and fees
for legal or professional services if they are required by
law, the coefficient estimate for this variable is expected
to have a negative sign.
There is much controversy over the benefits and costs
2In an earlier model, we included all seven sets of Doing Business
indicators: starting a business, registering property, dealing with con-
struction permits, getting electricity, enforcing contracts, protecting
investors, and resolving insolvency. We also included all 11 dimen-
sions of the business environment as gathered by the World Bank En-
terprise Surveys, covering regulation, corruption, crime, informality,
finance, infrastructure, and trade. We only found two Doing Business
indicators and one dimension of the Surveys to be statistically signifi-
cant and thus only included them in the statistical model. These results
are available from the author upon request.
M. Q. DAO 709
of foreign direct investment in the development econom-
ics literature. On the other hand, foreign direct invest-
ment (as well as foreign assistance) is typically seen as a
means of filling gaps between the domestic supplies of
savings, foreign exchange, government revenue, and
human capital skills and the desired level of these inputs
needed to achieve growth targets. On the other hand,
while multinational corporations provide capital, they
may also reduce saving and investment rates by stifling
competition through exclusive production agreements
with host governments, failing to invest much of their
profits, generating incomes for domestic groups with
lower propensities to save, and inhibiting the expansion
of native firms that might supply them with intermediate
products by instead importing these products from over-
seas affiliates. In addition, while the foreign exchange
position of the recipient country is initially improved by
foreign direct investment, in the long run its impact may
be to lower foreign exchange earnings on both current
and capital accounts. Also, even though foreign direct
investment does contribute to government revenue in the
form of corporate taxes, its contribution is lessened due
to liberal tax concessions, the practice of transfer pricing,
excessive investment allowances, public subsidies in dis-
guise, and tariff protection provided by the recipient go-
vernment. Finally, the dominance of local markets by
multinational corporations may result in inhibiting the
development of local sources of management and entre-
preneurial skills by stifling the growth of native entre-
preneurial ability. In light of the pros and cons of the
effect of foreign direct investment, the real assessment of
this effect becomes an empirical question. It follows then
that the sign of the coefficient estimate for this variable
cannot be assigned a priori.
Using the rather traditional approach of the aggregate
production function one can show that the share of gross
capital formation in the GDP exerts a positive impact on
per capita GDP growth. Finally, trade is an important
factor stimulating economic growth as it expands a coun-
try’s consumption capabilities, enlarges world output,
and provides access to scarce resources and global mar-
kets for products without which poor countries would not
be able to grow. We thus use the share of exports and
imports in the GDP as a measure of a country’s degree of
trade openness and expect the coefficient estimate for
this variable to have a positive sign.
Data for all variables are from the 2012 and the 2013
World Bank Indicators [10,11].
4. Empirical Results
Table 1 gives least-squares estimates of regression coef-
ficients in Equation (1) for a sample of sixty-two devel-
oping economies. We observe that eight of the explana-
tory variables are statistically significant at the 10 per-
Table 1. Dependent variable: Per capita GDP growth rate.
Coefficient Estimates t-Statistics
Intercept 7.104 3.674
PubHealth 0.026 1.430*
PubEd 0.110 2.156**
StartCost 0.010 1.578*
CntrctDays 0.002 2.195**
CredDeep 0.446 2.926**
CredBank 0.012 1.788**
Crime 0.366 1.353*
PGDP00 0.0002 1.479*
Net FDI 0.020 0.863
I/Y 0.025 0.737
Openness 0.005 0.696
Adjusted R2 = 0.461. *Significant at the 10 percent level. **Significant at the
5 percent level.
cent or lower level and eight coefficient estimates do
have their anticipated sign. The goodness of fit of the
model is quite good as indicated by the value of 0.461 of
the adjusted coefficient of determination.
All else equal, a one-percentage point increase in the
share of the cost of starting a business in per capita GDP
is expected to lead to a 0.01 percentage point decline in
per capita GDP growth. On the other hand, a one-day
increase in the time required to enforce contracts is ex-
pected to cause per capita GDP growth rate to decrease
by 0.002 percentage point, ceteris paribus. As the depth
of credit information index increases by one point, we
would expect per capita GDP growth rate to increase by
0.45 percentage point while a one percentage point in-
crease in the share of losses due to theft, robbery, van-
dalism, and arson in sales is expected to result in a 0.37
percentage point decline in per capita GDP growth rate.
This latter growth rate is expected to decrease by 0.02
percentage point for every one-hundred dollar increase in
the 2000 per capita GDP level. This result is consistent
with β-convergence, even though its effect is rather
A backward elimination stepwise method was applied
to arrive at a revised model, the regression results of
which are reported in Table 2. We note that the goodness
of fit of the model to the data is better as indicated by the
higher value of 0.471 of the adjusted coefficient of de-
We observe that qualitatively the results are much the
same except that net foreign direct investment inflows as
a percent of GDP is now statistically significant, while
the share of the public sector in total health expenditure
is now not significant using the t-test. We suspect that
this is due to the collinearity between this variable bet-
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ween this variable and the cost of starting a business as a
percent of per capita income as well as with the initial
level of per capita GDP.
Ceteris paribus, as a one percentage point increase in
the share of losses due to theft, robbery, vandalism, and
arson in sales is expected to result in a 0.43 percentage
point decline in per capita GDP growth rate, while a one
percentage point increase in the share of net foreign di-
rect investment inflows results in an expected increase of
0.03 percentage point in the per capita GDP growth rate.
We suspect that due to the extent of the multicollinea-
rity problem among explanatory variables, one of them
are not statistically significant based on t-tests while the
coefficient estimates on a few others do not have their
anticipated sign. We report this extent in Table 3 in the
form of a sample correlation coefficient matrix.
5. Conclusions
In this paper we use an econometric model to examine
the effect of policy fundamentals on economic growth by
using data from a sample of sixty-two developing coun-
tries. From the statistical results we are able to draw the
following conclusions:
1). Within the set of sixty-two developing economies
used in this study, investments in human capital have a
significant impact on economic growth. Governments in
these countries need to continue to devote an adequate
share of their budget to public education and health in
order to facilitate economic growth.
2). Governments in developing countries need to pro-
vide an enabling business environment to encourage fur-
ther growth. Specifically, this may be done through a
reduction in the cost of starting a business and in the time
required to enforce contracts. In addition, they need to
make an effort to lessen the incidence of property crimes
such as theft, robbery, vandalism, and arson.
3). Regression results also show the importance of fi-
nancial access, stability, and efficiency in promoting eco-
nomic growth. Governments in developing countries need
to strengthen the rules that affect the scope, accessibility,
and quality of information available through public credit
Table 2. Dependent variable: Per capita GDP growth rate
(revised model).
Coefficient Estimates t-Statistics
Intercept 8.237 5.392
PubHealth 0.019 1.171
PubEd 0.114 2.296**
StartCost 0.011 1.726**
CntrctDays 0.002 2.977**
CredDeep 0.433 2.884**
CredBank 0.011 1.769**
Crime 0.430 1.679*
PGDP00 0.0002 1.719*
Net FDI 0.031 1.585*
Adjusted R2 = 0.471. *Significant at the 10 percent level. **Significant at the
5 percent level.
Table 3. Sample correlation coefficie nt mat rix.
PubHealth PubEd StartCost CntrctDays CredDeep CredBank Crime PGDP00 Net FDI
PubHealth 1
PubEd 0.026 1
StartCost 0.398 0.232 1
3.358 1.845
CntrctDays 0.051 0.102 0.059 1
0.395 0.792 0.454
CredDeep 0.211 0.290 0.572 0.135 1
1.669 2.347 5.406 1.057
CredBank 0.104 0.177 0.256 0.047 0.374 1
0.812 1.391 2.054 0.361 3.119
Crime 0.137 0.152 0.501 0.037 0.410 0.225 1
1.067 1.189 4.481 0.283 3.484 1.786
PGDP00 0.475 0.341 0.361 0.065 0.400 0.521 0.310 1
4.182 2.814 2.996 0.502 3.382 4.733 2.530
Net FDI 0.150 0.151 0.071 0.090 0.115 0.156 0.119 0.132 1
1.178 1.182 0.551 0.698 0.900 1.224 0.931 1.030
ote: Bold t-statistics imply statistical significance at the 10 percent or lower level.
M. Q. DAO 711
4). There is empirical evidence that poor countries do
tend to grow faster than rich countries even though this
effect seems rather weak. Foreign direct investment is
also shown to have a positive impact on economic growth,
suggesting that its benefits tend to outweigh its costs, at
least for the sample of sixty-two countries used in this
6. Acknowledgments
I would like to thank Thi Minh Chi Le for her support
during the completion of this paper.
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