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Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2011, 2, 1-7 ABB doi:10.4236/abb.2011.21001 Published Online February 2011 ( Published Online February 2011 in SciRes. Sensory neurons in the spinal cord of nominal female embryos in the marine turtle Lepidochelys olivacea respond to shifts in incubation temperature: implications for temperature dependent sex determination Francisco Jiménez-Trejo1, Leonora Olivos-Cisneros2, Julieta Mendoza-Torreblanca3, Sofía Díaz-Cintra4, Esperanza-Meléndez-Herrera5, Armida Báez-Saldaña2, Patricia Padilla Cortés6, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina2, Alma Lilia Fuentes-Farías5* 1Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F., México 04510; 2Departamento de Biología Celular y Fisiología, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F., México 04510; 3Departamento de Neuroquímica, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, México, DF., México 04530; 4Departamento de Neurobiología del Desarrollo y Neurofisiología, Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus UNAM-Juriquilla, Juriquilla, Querétaro México AP.1-1141; 5Laboratorio de Invertebrados y Ecofisiología Animal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán, México 58040; 6Unidad de Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F., México 04510. Email: * Received 22 November 2010; revised 30 November 2010; accepted 3 December 2010. ABSTRACT Gonadal determination in marine turtles depends on incubation temperature. The mechanisms that spark off this process remain unclear. Previously, we pro- posed that sensory nerves reaching the gonadal pri- mordium in nominal female embryos of Lepidochelys (L) olivacea may sense and signal incubation tem- perature. These nerves could later trigger ovarian determination by releasing neurotransmitters in a code constructed based on the thermal information (Gutierrez-Ospina et al., Acetylcholinesterase-posi- tive innervation is present at the undifferentiated stages of the sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea embryo gonads: implications for temperature-dependent sex determination, J. Comp. Neurol. 410 (1999) 90-98). The hypothesis briefly described, however, has been recently refuted under weak theoretical grounds and experimental misinterpretations (see introduction). Here, we present preliminary results that show that nominal female embryos have sensory neurons lo- cated in the dorsal horn laminae I and II of the lum- bar spinal cord that display increased c-Fos-like im- muno-staining after being incubated either at 15C or 50C. Because these spinal neurons are the primary central target of dorsal root ganglion neurons that innervate the urogential crest, these observations keep open the possibility that gonada l sensory nerves indeed signal thermal information that could later be used to trigger or instruct ovarian specification in marine turtles. Keywords: Reptiles; Ovarian Determination; c-Fos; Incubation Temperature; Sensory Neurons 1. INTRODUCTION Sex determination in marine turtles depends on incuba- tion temperature [1]. In general, low (26-27C) or high (32-33C) incubation temperatures give rise to males or females, respectively [2,3]. Sexual differentiation may be re-directed if eggs are switched from one incubation temperature to the other during the thermo-sensitive pe- riod of sex determination [3]. As this period progresses, the effect of shifting the eggs between incubation tem- peratures on sex determination wanes until fully disap- pearing [3]. The mechanisms underlying temperature dependent sex determination (TSD) in reptilian species have been the subject of intense research and debate over the past several decades. As a result, it is now widely accepted that incubation temperature channels gonadal, and likely other organs [4], determination and/or differentiation in part by regulating the activity of F. J. Trejo et al. / Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2 (2011) 1-7 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ABB 2 steroidogenic enzymes and the local production of sex- ual steroids [1,5-7]. Also, recent evidence supports that incubation temperature may modulate the expression of sex determining genes in vertebrate species that display TSD [8-11]. In spite of the progress achieved, the mechanism by which thermal information is translated and funneled towards the activation of the genomic- biochemical pathways that ultimately lead to TSD re- mains elusive (for a critical review see [12]. Three, likely complementary, hypotheses have been put forward to explaining how TSD might be triggered. In one of these scenarios, it is assumed that there are temperature-sensitive promoters that induce or repress the expression of gonadal genes whose products are key regulators of the gene cascades and/or biochemical pathways that determine gonadal fate [1]. Unfortu- nately, no empirical evidence has been published so far supporting this notion [12]. The second hypothesis elaborates on the existence of gonadal biochemical pathways that are rendered sensitive to incubation tem- perature by means of metabolic intermediaries (e.g., CO2) whose cellular concentrations shift depending on the incubation temperature [4]. Although some experimental evidence suppo rts this notion, the fact that the synthesis, degradation and/or the activity of fundamental enzymes may shift rapidly as incubation temperature does it in embryos of poikilo thermic species [13-15], suggests that this kind of responses may not be tightly controlled by specific sex-determining molecular cascades [16,17]. The third hypothetical scenario calls for the participa- tion of the nervous system. In this model, temperature responsive sensory nerve fibers located within the go- nads could signal thermal information and locally re- lease neurotransmitters after being stimulated [18]; sen- sory nerves are long known to display efferent functions [19,20]. The idea just described has been recently re- futed [6-8] based on the observation that isolated cul- tured L. olivacea gonads either maintain or down regu- late sox-9 expression when incubated at masculinizing or feminizing temperatures, respectively (although see [21] for conflicting results). We believe, nonetheless, that this conclusion is undermined by observations showing that in some vertebrates 1) nerve fibers and terminals are closely associated with embryonic, ovarian estrogen-producing interstitial cells [22-25]; 2) cultured embryonic gonads retain this innervation for several days after being severed from the central nervous system [24,25]; 3) synaptic terminals remain functional and re- sponsive for several days in vitro after being separated from their neuronal origin specially in tu rtles [26-28]; 4) neurotransmitter release in isolated terminals is sens itive to temperature [29,30]; and 5) aromatase gene transcrip- tion and enzymatic activity may be regulated by cate- cholaminergic, dopaminergic and glutamatergic inputs [31,32]. Hence, in this work we intended to re-open the possi- bility that gonadal sensory innervation signals thermal information by showing neuro nal activation in th e dorsal horn of the lumbar spinal cord following thermal stimu- lation in L. olivacea nominal female embryos before ovarian specification takes place. Nominal female em- bryos were used because sensory innervation is readily established between the lumbar spinal cord and the uro- gential before ovarian determination is triggered [18]. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1. Animals and Tissue Sampling The experiments were performed using eggs collected in La Escobilla beach (96°27’16’’W, 15°40’36’’N), Oaxaca, México. The eggs were transferred to the laboratory in vermiculite-made artificial nests. Once in the laboratory, a total of 16 eggs were placed in an oven at 33C until the embryos reached the stage 23-24 of development; three embryos taken randomly were used to corroborate the developmental stage based on external morphologi- cal features [3]. Then, a group of the eggs was switched from 33C to 15C (n = 5). Other group was changed from 33C to 50C (n = 5) during half an hour and then returned to 33C for 30 minutes. This physiologically meaningful temperature range was defined based upon the discrimination features, the physiological responses and the psychophysical properties of warm and cold re- ceptors in mammals [33], and considering the range of incubation temperature [34] and of the ocean water in which turtles normally navigate [35]. Also, experiments conducted in avian eggs have revealed that one hour of incubation in a temperature different from the standard base line incubation temperature is sufficient to modify various embryonic metabolic parameters [36]. By the end of the 30 minutes re-acclimation period, the em- bryos of both groups were rapidly dissected and fixed in buffered paraformaldehyde (4%) at 4C overnight. Con- trol eggs (n = 3) were kept at 33C throughout the ex- periment and their embryos were processed as described before. The following day, the embryos were transferred to a solution containing sucrose (20%) at 4C until they sank two days later. The embryos were then embedded in OCT compound, frozen in 2-methyl butane pre-chilled with dry ice and cut (10 µm) entirely in a coronal plane using a cryostat. One section every 100µm was sampled and mounted onto gelatin coated slides and process through immunofluorescence (see below). In addition, a batch of hatchlings (n = 3) was used to col- lect brain samples for testing the specificity of the anti- body through west er n bl ot a n al y ses. F. J. Trejo et al. / Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2 (2011) 1-7 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ABB 3 2.2. Western Blot and Antibody Specificity L. olivacea hatchlings (10 days old) were euthanized with pentobarbital (45mg / Kg of body weight) and de- capitated. The forebrain was rapidly dissected and placed into microcentrifuge tube containing RIPA buffer (25 mM Tris•HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 1% so- dium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, pH 7.6), supplemented with the complete protease inhibitor cocktail used ac- cording to the manufacturer’s instructions (Roche Ap- plied Science). The samples were homogenized by soni- cation (40W) and centrifuged at 12,000 revolutions per minute for 20 minutes at 4C. The supernatants were collected and the protein content was estimated by using the bicinchoninic acid protein assay (Pierce) read at 560 nanometers. An aliquote of 75 µ icrograms of protein per sample was electrophoresed through one dimension SDS-polycacrilamide gels (12.5%) at 150 volts during 90 minutes at 4C. Proteins were transferred to nitrocel- lulose membranes using a semi-dry system (BioRad) during 50 minutes at 0.3A of constant current. The qual- ity of the protein transference was evaluated by using Ponceau’s staining. After destaining, nitrocellulose mem- branes were incubated with blocking solution (5% non- fat milk, 3% goat serum, 0.1% Tween-20 in TBS). The membrane was then incubated with rabbit anti-human c-Fos polyclonal primary antibodies (Santa Cruz sc-52) overnight at room temperature (1:200 in blocking solu- tion). This antibody recognizes a highly conserved amino-terminal sequence of c-Fos (residues 4-17) that appear to be present in turtles and amphibians [37,38]. After a gently wash in TBS added with 0.1% Tween-20, the membranes were incubated with the corresponding biotin-conjugated secondary antibody (AP187B, Chemi- con) during 2 hours (1 :800 in blocking solution) at roo m temperature. Then, the membranes were washed and in- cubated with avidin-peroxidase for 1 hour at room tem- perature following the supplier’s recommendations (Vector Laboratories). Peroxidase activity was revealed using a chemo-luminescent substrate according to the manufacturer’s guidelines (Immobilon Western, Milli- pore) and documentation was performed using the Gel Logic 1500 system (Kodak Molecular Imaging). 2.3. Immunofluorescence Tissue sections were incubated with blocking serum containing bovine albumin (1%) and triton X-100 (0.3%) in phosphate buffer (0.1M, pH 7.4) for 3 hours at room temperature. After three 15 minute washes, the sections were incubated with primary antibodies raised against c-Fos diluted 1:1000 in blocking serum at 4C for 12 hours. After three washes, the sections were incubated with a secondary antibody goat anti-rabbit IgG coupled to fluorescein diluted 1:200 in blocking serum for three hours at room temperature. The incubation with the pri- mary antibody was omitted in control experiments to rule out false positive resu lts. Fo llowing the last wash ing step, sections were coverslipped with anti-fading mount- ing medium (Dako). Slides were then observed in an Optiphot Nikon epifluorescence microscope and digital images were taken using a Nikon coolpix digital camera. Figures showing immunocytochemical and western blot results were elaborated by using Adobe Photoshop CS2 (version 9. 0. 2). 3. RESULTS 3.1. Antibody Specificity Figure 1 illustrates a representative Western blot show- ing the single protein band that was immuno-reactive for c-Fos in samples of the L. olivacea hatchlings forebrain. Such a band displayed an ap proximate molecular weight of 40kDa, a weight that is similar to that published for one of the c-Fos nuclear isoforms reported in the frog Rana esculenta [38]. 3.2. Spinal Cord c-Fos Immunoreactivity Once established the specificity of the antibodies based on molecular weight equivalence, we evaluated whether the intensity and location of c-Fos-like immuno-staining shifted in neurons located in the dorsal horn of the em- bryonic lumbar spinal cord at the ontogenetic stage 23-24, before ovarian specification occurs [3]; these spinal Figure 1. Digital image of a re- presentative western blot st a in e d for c-Fos obtained after running samples obtained from the L. olivacea hatchlings forebrain. Lane 1: MW-Molecular Weight Delete the dash in molecular markers; Lane 2: FB-Forebrain samples; Lane 3: Background staining associated with the se- condary antibody (asterisks; 2 AC). The arrow indicates where the c-Fos immunoreactive band is identified. F. J. Trejo et al. / Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2 (2011) 1-7 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ABB 4 neurons are the primary central target of dorsal root gan- glion neurons that innervate the urogential crest [18]. Two patterns of cellular staining were consistently ob- served. Embryos exposed to 15°C had neurons exhibit- ing cytoplasmic staining (Figure 2(a)). In contrast, when embryos were exposed to 50°C, the majority of neurons displayed nuclear staining (Figure 2(b)). In our hands, embryos kept at their original incubation tem- perature did not show appreciable expression of c-Fos in the spinal cord (Figure 2(c)). Omission of the primary antibody resulted in a negative c-Fos immunostaining (not shown). Finally, even though the pattern of cyto- logical staining differed between embryos exposed to high or low incub ation temperatures, the distribu tion and relative amount of immunopositive neurons was similar between groups; numerous c-Fos like immunopositive neurons essentially occupied laminae I and II of the dor- sal horn at the lumbar segments of the spinal cord. 4. DISCUSSION Sex determination in marine turtles depends on incuba tion temperature. Although the molecular and biochemi- Figure 2. Digital photomicro- graphs showing examples of the cellular patterns observed for c-Fos staining in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord follow- ing the exposure of embryos at 15C (a) or 50C (b). Nuclear (arrows) and cytoplasmic (ar- rowheads) staining are indi- cated. (c) Illustrates c-Fos ba sal staining in the spinal cord of non-stimulated embryos. Scale Bar = 10 µm. cal processes that channel ovarian and testicular deter- mination during TSD are now better understood, the precise mechanisms by which it is triggered remain un- clear. We have previously suggested that sensory nerves located inside the undifferentiated gonad of nominal L. olivacea female embryos might signal thermal informa- tion and, upon activation, might release neurotransmit- ters that could turn on the cascade of events leading to sex determination [18]. In this work, we provide evi- dence that strengthens this possibility by showing that sensory neurons located in the dorsal hor n of the lumbar spinal cord respond to shifts in incubation temperature, as monitored by the increment of the staining intensity of a c-Fos-like protein. The spinal levels where c-Fos- like positive neurons were mapped precisely in sites that receive primary sensory afferents incoming from the urogenital crest [18]. Because sensory nerves exert ef- ferent functions on their targets [19,20], we believe this primordial connectivity might be an important compo- nent of the machinery triggering ovarian differentiation, even in the absence of activation of upper neural struc- tures involved in thermal information processin g. In spite of the implications that our results have on TSD conceptions, we must be prudent in interpreting the present data. Given the protocol used for eliciting neu- ronal activation, we cannot ru le out that the increment in the intensity of c-Fos like immuno-staining observed in spinal cord sensory neurons might in part reflect heat stress-associated responses; this distinction may be cru- cial because c-Fos may exert pro-apoptotic actions [39]. However, in favor of our experimental design 1) it has been documented that increments of c-Fos availability can also counteract apoptosis and promote cell differen- tiation [40]; 2) Also increment in c-Fos availability and nuclear translocation facilitates cell proliferation [41]; 3) The thermal values used to stimulate the embryos were carefully selected based on what we know on the dis- crimination features, physiological properties and psy- chophysical responses of warm and cold receptors in mammals, the best characterized receptors in the animal kingdom [33]. We also considered the temperature range of the nests [e.g., 34] and of the ocean water in which marine turtles normally navigate [35]. Even so, we would concord that a definitive answer requires an un- questionable molecular identification of the neuronal phenotype that is involved specifically in thermal infor- mation processing in marine turtle embryonic spinal cord, as it has been shown for central neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans based on LIM homeobox gene expression [42]. An intriguing observation is related with the differen- tial distribution of c-Fos inmunostaining in the cyto- plasm or nuclear compartments of the activated spinal (a) (b) (c) F. J. Trejo et al. / Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2 (2011) 1-7 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ABB 5 cord neurons, dep ending on the temper ature und er which the embryos were incubated. Indeed, cytoplasmic stain- ing was consistently observed in embryos incubated at 15C, whereas nuclear staining was observed in those kept at 50C. Although this result could be consid ered as irrelevant or even art factual, c-Fos-like cytoplasmic and/or nuclear staining following neuronal activation is not uncommon in phyla different from mammals [38, 41,43-47]. Indeed, it has been shown that c-Fos cyto- plasmic staining reflects a reduced rate of translocation to the nucleus due to decreased metabolic rates [41,44], increased phospholipid metabolism [47] or diminished hormonal stimulation [38]. Further studies are necessary to explore each one of these possibilities. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors thank to Luz Lilia Jiménez Rico, Jesús Ramírez-Santos, Mar- tha Carrasco and Raymundo Reyes for their technical expertise and guidance and for administrative support. We are also indebted to Ale- jandro Marmolejo for his professional advice in eggs’ care and han- dling. Authors are grateful to Dr. David Riddle for careful editing and helpful criticisms. 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