Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
- Array is partially shaded
- PV cells are damaged
- Bypass diode is short-circuited
• The I-V curve has a higher or lower Voc value than
predicte d in the following cases:
- PV cell temperature is different than the modeled
- One or more cells or modules are completely
- One or more bypass diodes is conducting or s horte d
- One or more PV modules were not included in the
circuit as-built
5. Conclusions
A comprehensive classification of faults in DC Side of
PV system based on location and structures is proposed
for the first time. Flash test applied to validated model
and deferent type of faults are simulated. Inference and
investigated I-V and P-V curves are interpreted.
The future research plans to address some intelligent
algorithm, which is used for fault detection and localiza-
tion i n P V sys tem r egar din g the inference of I-V and P -V
curves characteristics.
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