Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5, 51-55
doi:10.4236/epe.2013.54B010 Published Online July 2013 (
Simulation of Unsteady Water Film Flow on Pelton Bucket
Shen Na
School of Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Received January, 2013
In order to simulate the complicated unsteady flow in Pelton bucket, it is necessary to apply the animated cartoon ap-
proach. In this paper, a free jet and the inner surface of a bucket is described by boundary fitted grid (BFG) with
non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. The water flow is discretized in space and time for CFD (computational fluid
dynamics). The moving grids of water film are successfully projected onto the bucket’s inner surface by a projection
algorithm. The visualization result of the jet landing on bucket’s surface and the unsteady flow in the rotating buckets in
3D verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords: Water Film Flow; Simulation; Projection; Pelton Bucket
1. Introduction
Different from the reaction turbines such as Francis and
Kaplan turbines, the flow in Pelton turbine is essentially
unsteady in space and time. This is the reason why the
application of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) to the
Pelton turbines is much behind other turbines. With the
continuous improvement of computer technology and
physical model, the numerical simulation of inner com-
plicated flow in Pelton turbine also becomes possible. In
1994, Kubota and Nakanishi classified the unsteady flow
in Pelton turbines for the study of the scale effect [1]. In
1998, Kubota et al. first proposed a numerical method
called “BucFlAs” which solves the unsteady quasi-2D
flow in Pelton bucket for different space/time steps indi-
vidually [2]. Liu et al. described the comparative nu-
merical analysis of the flow in buckets at different
enlarging rates of jet in 2D [3]. In 2005, Zheng, Han, et
al. discussed the unsteady interference between free wa-
ter jet and rear surface of rotating buckets in Pelton tur-
bine in quasi-3D[4].
So far, there is no paper reporting the unsteady water
film flow in rotating Pelton bucket in 3D. In this paper,
the animated cartoon approach is applied to simulate the
unsteady flow in Pelton bucket. The cross section of free
jet and the free curved surface is discretized by BFG. The
flow particles may depart from the bucket surface be-
cause of error in simulation, it is necessary to project
those particles in each moving step. A projection algo-
rithm is proposed in this paper to solve the problem, and
the example verifies the reliability of this method.
Through the simulation, the visual results of free jet
landing on the buckets and the unsteady flow water film
on bucket surface are obtained.
2. Discretization of Pelton Bucket and Free
2.1. Discretization of Complicated Bucket
The boundary of Pelton bucket consists of splitter, cutout,
end-wall and brim, respectively as shown in Figure 1.
Since all the boundary is curved, the orthogonal grids
cannot describe the surface of Pelton bucket accurately. It
is necessary to apply BFG with non-orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates. The natural basis vector and their partial dif-
ferential can be calculated accurately by differential ge-
ometry[5]. Those parameters are used in the algorithm of
projection which will be mentioned later for CFD.
Splitter Cutout
*Project: Important Science and Technology Specific Projects in Zhe-
iang Province (Grant No. 2008C11057); Teaching Reform Research
Project in Guangzhou College of SCUT (Grant No. JY110319) Figure 1. Complicated curved surface of Pelton bucket.
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