Figure 14. Band-pass responses for different temperature
merely 0.005196829%/˚C. Consequently, it is concluded
that the pole frequency and quality factor are slightly
dependent on the temperature variations.
6. Conclusion
The current-mode biquad filter based on the differenti-
ator configuration consisting of 3 CCCCTAs and 2 in-
ternally frequency compensated operational amplifiers
has been presented. The advantages of the proposed cir-
cuit are that: it can simultaneously perform 3 standard
functions, low-pass high-pass and band-pass functions
from the same circuit configuration, where the rest func-
tions (band-stop and all-pass) can be easily provided by
small modification without component matching con-
straint and changing circuit topology; the pole frequency
can be electronically tuned without affecting the quality
factor with keeping their ratios constant. In addition, the
pole frequency and quality factor are slightly temperature
dependent. The PSpice simulation results were depicted,
and agreed well with the theoretical anticipation. With
mentioned features, it is very suitable to realize the pro-
posed circuit in monolithic chip to use in battery-pow-
ered, portable electronic equipments such as wireless
communication system devices.
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