from its low energy photoemission threshold. The VBM
ismeasured by performing a linear extrapolation of the
high kinetic energy edge of the EDC from one half of its
maximum intensity to the spectral baseline. The thresh-
old of photoemission is determined by the work function
of the electrically biased material and is measured by
linearly extrapolating the low kinetic energy edge of the
EDC from the full width at half maximum of the low
energy spectral peak to the spectral baseline. Assuming a
constant band gap,
E, the electron affinity,
, and the
work function, , for a degeneratively doped p-type
surface or semi-metal are related by
where W is the width of the VB EDC, is measured
from the vacuum level (photoemission threshold) to the
top of the valence band,
is measured from the top of
the vacuum level to the bottom of the conduction band,
and h
is the photon energy. The change in the electron
affinity can be written as
. (2)
Using a linear extrapolation of the scattering energy
tail peaks in Figures 2 (a) and (b) to the baseline we get
vacuum levels of 2.2 eV with 3.0 Volt bias and –0.8 eV
for the smooth EG grounded sample. Assuming that the
material has no band gap, a Fermi level of 13.8 eV and
10.8 eV is obtained by a linear extrapolation of the VB
maxima for the respective biases. This implies a total
width of 11.6 eV and thus a work function of 5.1 eV for
the smooth sample which is about 0.4 eV higher than
bulk graphite. The analysis yields a work function of
5.21 eV for the rough EG sample. It should be noted that
in situ Auger analysis revealed no contamination of the
probed areas of the samples.
4. Summary and Conclusion
This work was undertaken to determine if angle inte-
grated UPS using common line sources can differentiate
between the electrical properties of different epitaxial EG
films. We have demonstrated conclusively that UPS can
differentiate between the electronic properties of epi-
taxial EG films with different growth morphologies.
Such is the case for graphene derived from the thermal
decomposition of the C-face of SiC and this result is
consistent with that reported in the literature for other
material systems. The spectral features associated with
the crystalline state of the material are significantly
quenched when the EG film is graphitized on a rough
substrate with a high density of defects present. The re-
sults show that the electronic structures are unique for
different degrees of order in the studied films and that the
ordering is strongly dependent on the substrate prepara-
5. Acknowledgements
The authors thanks J. E. Rowe for fruitful discussions
and gratefully acknowledges the support of the NSF
PREM at Clark Atlanta University, Award # DMR-
0934142, and the NSF MRSEC at the Georgia Institute
of Technology, Award # 0820382. We thank Walter de
Heer, Claire Berger and Yike Hu of the Georgia Institute
of Technology MRSEC for providing the EG samples for
this study and Biswasjit Sannigrahi of the NSF CREST at
Clark Atlanta University, Award # HRD-0630456, for
the AFM images.
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