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Creat ive Educati on 2012. Vol.3, Supplement, 101-110 Published Online December 2012 in SciRes ( DOI:10.4236/ce.2012 .38b022 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 101 Developing Digital Game Based on the Conception of Insects (DGBI) to Test Elementary Student’s Insect Concept i ons Cho w-C hi n Lu1, Shu -L i Jeng2 1Department of Science Education, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei 2New Taipei City Jongjen Elem entary Scho o l Email: Received 20 1 2 The purp ose of this study is to p romote elem entary school student’ s concepti on and interes t of insec t. In this stud y, we de vic e a di git al ga me, whi ch p oss ess ed s cient i fic and f un, bas e on the c onc ep ti on of ins ects (DGB I), then can us e it to test elementary school student ’s concept ion about insec t. The DGBI materi als creating pattern use as the ADDIE model. First step is to analyze the DGBI materials. We analyze stu- dent’s alt ernat ive concep tions of insect and wha t the t eac hing sta ff needs to tea ch i n the sec tion of ins ect, and then we develop three teaching units, namely the ―Bugs Adventure‖, ―Legs and Wings "and" Mouthp ar t s and feedi ng hab i ts‖. Second, desi gn t he DGB I. M aki ng DGBI ha s a clear tea ching aim, mul- ti-learning strategy like conception puzzle, computer simulation and conception mapping etc, an artistic and convenient operating media interface and a learning content that is easy to understand by the words and video in the DGB I mat er ia ls. Third, de velop the DGBI. Developing DGBI includes making animati on component and composing animation component, these animation components makes 94.4% of students pref er to use DGB I mat erials to lear n the conceptions of insect, esp ecially the construc tional detail mag- nify functi on and inter active game design in th e teaching materials increas e the student ’s learning interest. Forth, implement DGBI. We invite Two national college professors and four senior science teachers to use DGB I, and then we int erview the m to collec t the testi ng amendment s, and corr ected it. Fifth, evalua te DGBI. We use quasi-experiment design and questionnaire survey to evaluate DGBI. In the qua- si-experi ment design, we s elect 1 11 students for f our class es in an elementa ry school i n New Taipei City and ask them to use DGBI, and then we tested them by the ―Insects Conceptions test‖. We found that after using the DGBI materials, the student's post-test scores (13.64) is higher than the pre-test scores (7.55), and there are significant differences (t = 16.47,p = .00)and helps the student to establis h the correct concept of insect.. In the questionnaire survey, we ask 6 elementary school teachers to write down the ―digital materials quality certification evaluation form‖ after using DGBI. The teachers think tha t DGBI has an organizational integrity of the insect teaching material. When using DGBI, they can teach the insect unit as a game, and student can learn the insect unit on student's own initiative, which allows students to study the conceptions of insec t step-by-step. Key words: Digital Game Bas ed on Insects (DGBI); ADDIE; Ins ects Conceptions tes t; Digital Materials Quality Certi ficati on Evaluation Form Introduction Ratio nale and Import ance of This Study Insects has the most widely distributed and the largest num- ber of animals on Earth, even thought students has to learn insects curriculum in schools, but after learning, students are still unfamiliar with insects, and has lots of alternative con- cepts(Zhuang, 2002). Bell & Baker (1982) study elementary school student's insect concept and found that 56.9% of stu- dents do not know that insects have two pairs of wings. Huang (2003) use two-stage diagnostic as research tools to study the insect’s alternative conceptions of elementary school students, and found that 67.5% of fifth grade and sixth grade students thinks that insects feet scattered at different body parts of in- sects. Before student start learning insect curriculum in school, they learn the insect concept from book pictures, picture books or TV media (Lu, Chen, & Chen, 2011), but in order to attract children's interest, most of the books and media often try to make the insect appearance and habits to be anthropomorphic, which pass on the wrong message to ch ildren and will let them prone to have the wrong conceptions. If we don't guide them to have the right conceptions, it might effects their future learning in insects (Lu & Chen, 2008; Lu et al., 2011; Marriott, 2002) The most effective strategy to change the wrong concept is bring the students to go out in field and observe the insects, but some of the insects is hard to find and observe, which made the teaching curriculum really difficult (Chen, 2004). Most of the elementary science teachers in Taiwan, did not have a formal incest training in their college education, therefore some of the teachers has alternative conceptions of insect’s appearance features, insect's structure, insect's life history and insect’s ha- bits themselves, which might pass the wrong conceptions to student when they were teaching (Lu, & Chen, 2011). Some of the teacher thinks that teaching the insect unit in science is really hard, owing to their limit of insect conceptions and have restricted by pictures and words in the test book, and cause the domestic insects teaching plight (Chen, 2004). Students are active constructors to their knowledge, if science teacher can C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 102 teach the correct insect conception with the right materials and bring out students interested, it will make the learning more effective. In this study, we try to design an interest scientific digital teaching materials to help elementary school student learn the correct insect conception. The insect conception teaching materials use conceptual change teaching strategies to design the it, and wish to build up a materials that can help the stud ents to create right insect co nception s . Research Objective This study adopted the systematic design of instruction teaching model (ADDIE) to design a digital game based on the conception of insects (DBGI) teaching material that can detect elementary school student’s insect concept, which are interest- ing and has scientific insect concept in it. In this study we probe five questions: First, how do us analysis the DBGI teaching material base on student alternative conceptions. Second, what kind of DBGI teaching material designing can accomplish our goal? Third, how do we make the DBGI teaching material? Forth, how to implement the DBGI teaching material in teach- ing? Fi fth, how do we evaluat ion the DBGI teaching material? Literature Review Using ADDIE Model to D e sign Digital Teaching Materia ls Chuang & Su (1999) use the questionnaire to survey ele- mentary schools student’s insect classification concepts and found that only 13.2% of students say the insect have six legs. Trowbridge & Mintzes (1988) use animal picture cards to sur- vey student’s insect classification concepts and found children define insect as ―small body type animals.‖ They think ani- mals like centipede, diplopod, earthworm and spiders are in- sects. Shepardson (2002) survey fourth grade elementary school students and found 61.0% students think that insects have only one wind. And 80.0% of students believe that insects are her- bivorous. Huang (2003) discover students know dragonflies have two pair of wings, but could not identify ladybug and stick insects also have two pair of wings. Chen (2003) survey stu- dent’s aquatic insects concept by questionnaire and found only 62.2% of students can use the characteristic of ―insect have six feet‖ to determine whether it is aquatic insects or not. Studies of Elementar y Schools Student’S Insect Classification Concepts The ADDIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. The five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for build- ing effective training and performance support tools (Molenda, 2003 ). In an ab str action teach in g activiti es or teach in g activit ies require drills and hard to obtain the teaching resources, the digital game-based teaching mater ial, who has good playabili ty and is instructive becomes a good teaching medium and effects student to actively participate in the class and have lots of fun (Squire, 2003). In this research, we try to use the ADDIE as model and develop a digital game-base teaching material to detect student’s alternative conceptions of insect. We classify the game as a puzzle action game and manufacture it with the function to provide practice opportunities. The game not only can effect students visual sensory and stabilizing their cognitive feelings, bu t al so can as sess th eir s elf-restraint and the ability to use electr onic media (S quire, 2003). Methodology Research Design The DGBI teaching materials can divided into two phases: development phase and evaluation phase. In development phase, we design and develop the DGBI teaching materials base on ADDIE systematic design of instruction teaching mode shown in Figure 1. In the evaluation phase, we use questionnaire and quasi-experimental research method to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of establishment children’s correctly in- sects concept of DGBI tea ching materi als(Figure 1). 1. Animation elements 2. Combine a ni m atio n elements 1. Test e d by Scholars and experts 2. Interview the user’s advice Analysis Design Develop Implement Developing DGBI teaching materials 1. St uden t has alte rnative concepts of insec t 2. Tea cher nee ded tea ching materials Conflict concep ts Computer simulati on Concept Mapping Amendment Questionnaire Quasi-experimental research Evaluators: invite six elementa ry school science teac he rs to use DGBI in teaching insect unit. Research tools: “E-learning quality certification evaluate form ” Study object: 111elementar y school fourth grade students Research tools: “Insect cognitive conception test” & “Learner satisfaction questionnaire” Data collect and Analysis Evaluate Figure 1. Proposed research model of developing DBGI teaching materials. C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 103 Research Tools E-learning Quality Certification Evaluate Form In this research, we use the ―E-learning quality certification evaluate for m‖, which was develop by Sung, Chang, Lin, Lee, & Chen, (2009). The form has four dimensions, including: content, navigation, instructional design and instructional media. The evaluators will give 0 to 8 point when evaluating the digital teaching design; the maximal score is 104 point. Certification grade ―A‖ means the teaching materials got 65 to 74 points in the test; if it got grade AA, it means certification grade is over 78 to 90 points; if the certification grade is over 91 point, it can be certificate as A A A gr ade. Learner Satisfaction Questionnai re In this study, we use ―Learner satisfaction questionnaire‖ design by Jeng (2012) to survey student’s satisfaction when using DGBI in their learning. In the questionnaire, we investi- gate their preferences in textbook content and the advantages and disadvantages of DGBI teaching materials. Due to our re- search o bjects are fo urth grad e elementar y studen ts, we pro vide answer options for each question in our questionnaire, which students can finish the questionnaire by putting a check mark in the blank. If they want to express their thought, there is also another blank field in the questionnaire, which can let them express themselves to us. Insect Cognitive Co nception Test In this study, we use “ Learner sat isfact ion questio nnaire” de- sign by Jeng (2012 ) to survey student’s satisfaction when using DGBI in their learning. In the questionnaire, we investigate their preferences in textbook content and the advantages and disad vantages of DGBI tea ching materi als. Due to our research objects are fourth grade elementary students, we provide an- swer option s for each question in our questionnaire, which stu- dents can finish the questionnaire by putting a check mark in the blank. If they want to express their thought, there is also another blank field in the questionnaire, which can let them express themselves to us. Insect Cognitive Co nception Test In the study, we also use the “Insect cognitive conception test” th at was design by Jeng (2012). It has 21 questions in the test, includes seven questions that ask “Identify insect s ”, seven questions that ask “book the position of insect’ s feet and wings” and seven questions ask ab out “insect’s mouthparts and eating habits”. The Cronbach's α of this test is .708 and show the tes t has reliability which was capable to use. Data Collection In ou r researcher, we collected both qu antitative and quali ta- tive data. E-learning quality certifications evaluate form, Learner satisfaction questionnaire and Insect cognitive concep- tion test is our quantitative d ata. These d ata present the evalu a- tion results of the DGBI teaching materials. It display with statistical average and shows the DGBI teaching materials is validity in improving student’s insect conceptions. The qualitative data includes DGBI user’s interviewing record, evaluator’s interview record and student’s interviews. We use inter pretati ve anal ysis to grasp the details suggestion of our users, evaluat o r s and students after using DGBI teaching materials. Results Analysis Phase of DGBI Teaching Materials Integrat e information from literature, experiment teaching and teachers whom use DGBI in their teaching, they proposed that student’s alternative conceptions to insect is students will use their intuition to det er min e if an animal is insect or not. When they have the right intuition to insect and judge the ani- mals by using the numbers of their feet, they can easily decide if it’s an insect or not. But if the students have the wrong intui- tion, students will get the alternative conceptions and consi- dered lots of small animals are insects. In the part of booking the insect’s feet in the right position, we found that some student’s insect conceptions did effected by modern media and bring out student’s alternative conceptions. In order to attract the children’s attraction, some media often anthropomorphic the insect and put a pair of their legs in the abdomen of the tagma which was the wrong conception. The relationship of insect’s mouthparts and eating habits is another part that student is confuse about. Due to students doesn’t have the experience of rising or observing lo ts o f insect. Some of the students even think insect’s mouthparts has the same function as human’s teeth. Designing Phase of DGBI Teaching Materials The designing of DGBI teaching materials is using teaching strategies as conflict the concept, computer simulation, and concept mapping strategy. We sort out the name of our unit, our teaching goals and teaching activities into a list, shown as Fig- ure 2. As we see in Figure 2, the designing concept of “Bugs Ad- ventur e” is accord ing to unders tan d the basi c insect con ceptions. “Legs and Wings” in accordance with the concept of identify the right position of i nsect’s feet. The “Mouthparts and feedi ng habits” unit comes fro m th e id ea o f recogni ze t he mouthparts of insect and the relationship between mouthparts and their feed- ing habits. 1) Conflict concepts tactics: In the Legs and Wings puzzle game; we choose to use pictures that often show in cartoons, which their legs and wings were in the wrong position of the insect tagmata as dragonflies, butterflies and beetle. Then, we let students to put the puzzle of three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings in the right tagmata of the insect. In this activities, students has to finish the game by clicking insect’s legs and wings from the computer surface and putting the puzzle in the correct position. 2) Computer simulation tactics: In insect curriculum, teach- ers’ biggest ch al l enge is that it is hard to let students to observe the insect by themselves. In order to sol ve teachers teaching problems, we use computer simulation tactics. It can show the insect’s entity simulating 3D animation (360 degree rotation), zoom their portion features an d emphasis our t eaching focus to the students. 3) Mapping concept tactics: In DGBI, we utilize the con cept of “filling the concept diagram in the blank” form Tsai (2008) and shows parts of expert’s conception map to students. Then, we ask students to choose the concepts terms at the bottom of the surface and drag and drop it into the concepts space above as Fig ure 3. Development Phase of DGBI Teaching Materials The ai m of DGBI teaching materials is to improve students’ insect co ncept. So, the DGBI user interface needs to design for the children and the concept must be the ones that they were not C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 104 familiar with. We de sign and process DGBI teaching materials based on the alt ernative concep tion data we had have collected in the analysis stage, and organized it into development phase diagram, shown as Figure 4. Legs and Wing s Bugs Adventure Mouthparts and feeding habits Unit Students can identify insect from the three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen) and three pairs of jid l Students can understand that the thorax has 0-2 pair of wings and six segmented legs Students are able to judge the relationship between the mouthparts of insects and their food habit Dole’s insect mission’ s Insect detector Selected the insects, from spiders, lobsters, and insects. Dole’s insect mission ’s Insect puzzle Puzzle the r ight position of the legs and wings for dragonfly and butterfly Dole’s insect mission’ s Insect’s nanny Select food and mouthparts for Anotogaster sieboldii, Formotosena seeboh mi, and Flaring swallowtail Insect’s magnifying glass Arachnida:have eight legs, and prosoma and abdomen Malacostraca:have 10 legs, and head, thorax and abdomen Insecta:has si x legs, Insect’s magnifying glass Magnify the insect’s head, thorax and abdomen Observe insect’s tagma Use 360 degrees picture to observe the wings and legs of inse ct. Insect’s magnifying glass A. sieboldii use chewing mouthparts to eat small in s ect F. seebohmi use sucking mouthparts to pierce the tree F. swallowtail use Siphon mouthparts to absorb the nectar Insect conception map Let students to compare Arachnida , Insecta and Malacostraca’s tagma and le gs Insect conception map Compare different insects, and found out their thorax features the legs and the posterior wings. Insect conception map Use what food they eat to infer what kind of mouthpart they have. Teaching goals Conflict Concepts Conception Map Computer Simulation Tactics DGBI Teaching Materials Figure 2. Development phases of DGBI teaching materials. Figure 3 . Designin g examples of conception map in DGBI teaching. C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 105 Developing DGBI teaching materials, we use animation soft- ware: Adobe Flash CS4 Professional to make the teach i ng ma- terials. In the teaching material, we collected the photos (most of them we shot it ourselves), music and picture from the inter- net resources. There are three buttons in the index page for children to choose, includes logout button (), start button, and game description. If the student mouse moves to the log out button, it will show a prompt “don’t want to play anymore”; pressing the logout button, the system will log out DGBI im- mediately. In all the upper right corner of D GBI interface, will apparel this logout button to let learners to choose if they want to leave the teaching material or not (shown in Figure 5). When pressing start button and game description, it will show activi- ties menu and the teaching materials help page. Dole’s insect mission Dole’s insect mission Dole’s insect mission DGBI te a ching materia l s correct correct NO Insect amusement Animal Classificati on correct Insect amusement Insect Br eede r Insect amusement Finding the Error Legs and Wings Bugs Adventure Mouthparts and feedin g h a b its Insect’s 3D Animation Insect’s Magnifying glass Insect’s magnifying gl ass Insect’s magnifying glass Conceptio n m ap Conceptio n m ap Conceptio n m ap YES Insect detector Insect puzzle Insect’s nanny NO YES NO YES Figure 4 . Developm ent phase of DGBI teachin g materials diagram. Figure 5 . DGBI teachin g material’s ind ex page. C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 106 In activities menu, there are six buttons for students to choose, includes three control button: homepage, sound c ontrol (), logout button () and three activities options “Dole’s insect mission (shown as Figure 6)” “Conception map”, and “Insect amusement”. The backgrou nd music can enhance stu- dents lear ning, but it also can caused the interference of learn- ing; therefore, learners might use the sound control buttons () to control if they want to have the music or not. After pressing the mouse button, the button will turn to , which means the learner turn off the music; pressing the button again, it will turn back to , which means the music is on again. DGB I teaching materials can give differen t learners diffe ren t feedbacks. If learners has the wrong options, the DGBI will directed to the prompt page, and shows the app ropriate prompt to let student’s to thin k again abou t thei r ans wers. In the bottom righ t of the su r fa ce, students can press try again to finfish the learning mission. If the learner answers the right answer, then the DGBI will give them a positive feedback and a f fi rm their options. In the insect amusement activities: 1. Animal classification: Student can use the concept of number of animal foot and body parts (head, thorax and abdomen) to classify in sect. In the game, learners need to use the mouse and move the animals from the left to the right to accomplish the game (shown as Figure 7). 2. Finding the Error: We applied the conception that ins ect’s tho- rax features the legs and wings in the acti vity. In the game, the learners needs to point out wrong position o f the legs an d win gs to acco mpl i sh the game (shown as Figure 8). 3 . Ins ect Breed er: Students needs to use the mouthparts structure to determine what kind of foo d they eat, and give the food to the right inset. In the game, learner needs to use the keyboard to control the direction and bring the food to the right place (shown in Figure 9). Testing the DGBI Teaching Mat erials We invite two international professors (specialt y in insects, P1-P2), thr ee senior element ary schoo l science teachers ( T2-T4) and on e elementar y school computer teachers ( T1 ) to test DGBI teaching materials and interview them for their sugges tions, and use it as the reference when corrected DGBI. We sort out the intervi ew results and the correction as Ta ble 1. Evaluation Phase of DGBI Teaching Materials E-learning Quality Certification Evaluate Form After finishing the DGBI, we ask six evaluator s to evaluate the designing results of DGBI, shown in Table 2. The evalua- tors give the DGBI teaching materials the highest certification level: AAA level. Supplemented with evaluator interview result instruction: ● The Digital teaching materials have correct content and clear pictures; the content is interesting and fun, the scientific concepts is express co rrectl y. Th e organizations of the teaching materials are completely and can gives students appropriate breadth and depth learning step-by-step; there are variety of ways to promote learn- ing in DGBI, as conception map, game assessment, 360 degrees rotation of insects and answer providing etc. (DGA-T1, T4, T5, T6, 20120303). Figure 6 . The d esign o f “Dole’ s ins ect mis sion” . Figure 7. The interf ace game pictu res of insect amus ement. Figure 8. The interf ace game pictu res of finding the error. C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 107 Figure 9 . The int erfac e game pictur es of insect br eeder. ● DGBI has integrated framework, clearl y divide each u nits; the content is vivid and lively and th e terms is unique in- genuity; the concept map puzzle and game design is a way to practice and assesses students; in the concept map puzzling activity, the design of showing the answer can provide helps when their learning (DGA-T1, T2, T3, T4, 20120303). ● DGBI teaching materials don’t have learning recording function, which can be rei nforce; the content in DGBI lay particular stress on the words, if it can added some voice to lead students to read will obt ain a better learning results (DGA-T2, T3, T5, 20120303).A-T2, T3, T5, 20120303). Insect Cognitive Co nception Test In the insect cogni tive con cept ion test sur vey, we exclude t he error questionnaire sheets and get 107 valid questionnaire sheets. The pre-test and post-test result of insect cognitive con- ception test is shown in Table 3. Table 1. Testing res ults and corrections o f DGBI teaching materials. Dimension Users sugg e stion Corrections 1. Teaching Contents 1-1. DGBI can mention more in se c t type (DGInv-P1,P2,20120202; DGInv-T3,T4,20120224) 1-2. Can put in some Hymenoptera insects (DGInv-T1,P1, 20120211) 1-3. Sc ientif ic term s don’t use “Somite” of insect, can change to tagma of insect (DGInv-T1,20120211) 1-1-1 We have Col eoptera, Lepi doptera, Hymenoptera insects in the uni t already, but we also added Hemipter a and Homop tera two kinds of insect for examples in the unit. 1-1-2 Added beetle in the Legs and Wings unit, which can give more example to student 1-2-1 Change the ladybug, cicada and dragonfly into bees, ladybug and cicad a . 1-3-1 Fix the word “Somite” to “Tagma”, which can let the student have better conceptions. 2. Learning Direction 2-1. Conce ption ma p might m ake the underper- formed th e c h il dr en to give up pra cticing (DGInv-T2, T3, 20120202) 2-2. Can emphasi ze the learning point again aft er the game (DGInv-T1, 20120211) 2-1-1 We added the key which can show the answer when they have difficult learning. 2-2-1 We added the learnin g point prompted functi on, to emphasize the learning point again after th e game was over. 3. Teaching Design 3-1.DGBI learning feedback isn’t enough (DGInv-P2, T1, 20120211) 3-1-1 We use the sound to strengthen the immediately feedback. 3-1-2 We ad de d the timing fu nction to increase t he irritating of th e game. 4. Teaching Media 4-1. The color of the description text can be affected by the bac k g r ound p icture , a nd r e d uc e the comfort of reading (DGInv-T1, T2, T4, 20120224). 4-2.C an adde d some background music (DGInv- T1, T4, 20120224). 4-1-1 We change the texts’ color into the color that is contrast from the picture. 4-2-1 We choose Chinese children rhymes (Dragonfly and A beautiful butterfly) as the background musi c, and added a backgrou nd sound off button. Table 2. DGBI teaching materials evaluate result from the E-learning quality certification evaluate form. Evaluation dimension Mean Standard deviation 1. Teaching Contents (Content, total s c o re 21) 19.6 1.08 2. Lea rn i ng Dire ctions (N a vigation , total score 19) 16.0 2.10 3. Teaching Design (Instructional design, tot a l s c o re 43) 41.3 1.63 4. Teaching Media (Instructional media, total score 21) 19.0 1.10 Total score (Total, tota l s c o re 104) 95.9 4.37 From Table 3, we can know that students discrepancy be- tween pre-test and post-test results from insect cognitive con- ception test is 6.08; the total score of t-test is 16.47, and the “Insect identification” get’s t = 8.85; the “Position of legs and wings” get’s t = 14.96; the “Mouthparts and feeding habits” get’s t = 7.02 (p = .00). This shows that students have signifi- cant progress on the total score and three conceptual category after using DGBI. Then, we analysis students final score and divided them into three groups, accordin g to their “insect cog- nitive conception test”. 27.3% student in the top grouped as C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 108 high score ranking group, and grouped the bottom 29 students (bottom 27.3%) as low-score group. The other 45.4% of stu- dents b ecame the Middle Score Group. The performance in the “insect cognitive con ception tes t” sort out as Table 4. We can see in t able4 that the high score group, middle score group and lower score group t-test result is t = 7.13, 10.96, 13.53, p = .00. This shows that three groups have significant progress in insect after using DGBI in learning. Esp eci al l y the lower score group have the most obvious learning effects (Av- erage ratin g discrepan cy = 8.67). We can see in Table 4 that the high score group, middle score group and lower score group t-test result is t = 7.13, 10. 96 , 13.53, p = .00. This shows that three groups have significant progress in insect after using DGBI in learning. Especially the lower score group have the most obvious learning effects (Av- erage ratin g discrepan cy = 8.67). Learner Satis faction Questionnai re Sheet In the questionnaire survey, we exclu de 3 er ror questionnaire sheets and get 108 valid questionnaire sheets. The questionnaire sheet includes th r ee multiple choice questions(Q1、Q2、Q3) and two multiple-choice questions(Q4、Q5). Af ter statistics the data, we sort out all 5 questions and shown as fi gure 10, which was supplemented with qualitative described data. In Figure 10a, we found out that 94.4% of students like to use computer to learn insect concept. The reason they like to learn by computer, 52.0% of students thinks it fun and int er est- ing, 30.4% of students think that they help to understand the conception of insect more effective. The interviews are as fol- lows: Table 3. Test performance of forth grade students’ insects cognitive concept. Conceptual category Pre-tes t (N = 107) Post-test(N = 107) d t p M SD M SD Insect ide ntificatio n 2.30 1.39 3.97 1.7 6 1.67 8.85 .00** Position of legs and win gs 2.38 1.31 5.66 1.82 3.28 14.96 .00** Mouthparts and feeding habits 2.87 1.33 4.00 1.32 1.13 7.02 .00** Total score 7.55 2.53 13.64 3.65 6.08 16.47 .00** M: Mean; SD: Standard Deviation; D: Discrepancy between Pre-test and Post-tes t; **p < . 00. Tabl e 4. Different learning achievement perform ance of forth grade student ’s. Category of l earning achieve- ment Pre-test Pos t -test d t p M SD M S Hi gh S c ore Group (N = 29) 10.65 1.59 14.86 3.61 4.21 7.13 .00** Middle Score Group (N = 49) 7.45 .94 13.12 3.67 5.67 10.96 .00 ** Low-Score Group (N = 29) 4.62 1.18 13.28 3.48 8.67 13.53 .0 0 ** M: Mean; SD: Standard Devi at ion; D : Discrepancy between Pre-tes t and Pos t-test; **p < .00. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 1 0. (a) Q1. Do you like using DGB I to learn about insect? (b) Q1. Do you like using DGBI to learn about insect? (c) Q3. Which learning activity is you r fa v ori t e? (d) Q4 what’s the advan tage of D GBI? (e) Q4 what’s the advantage of DGBI? C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 109 ● 52.0% of students think it is fun and interesting: “The in- sect game is fun. I think is fun to learn in games.” (LS-S809、LS-S827,LS-S909,20120508). ● 30.4% of students think that they help to understand the conception of insect more effective: “We can operate by ourselves and can understand the morphological of the insect. This l et me know th e mouth part s and see th e insect clearly. ” (LS-S104、LS-S821, LS-S902, LS-S201, 20120508). Figure 10b shows students in preference to which teaching unit in DGBI teaching materials, including Bugs Adventure, Legs and Wings and Mouthparts and feeding habits. There are 91.0% of students like the unit “Mouthparts and feeding ha- bits.” In the interview, 50.5% of students think “Mouthparts and feeding habits” is the interesting game in DGBI, it added plentiful educational content, and makes this unit the most pop- ular one. In the interview, student said: “If we can play insect games, then we can learn insect when we were playing, and know what king of mouthparts they got” (LS-S927, LS-S104, LS-S826, 20120508). 32.3% of students think Insect Breeder unit in the insect amusement in “Mouthparts and feeding ha- bits” has design self-challen ge checkpoints, can compete with their friends, has the ability to manipulate more, and the speed becomes fast er and faster which make s it chal l enging(LS-S922, LS-S820, LS-S117, LS-S908, 20120507). From Figure 10c, we can found that students preference of “Dole’s insect mission”, “Conception map” and “Insect amus ement”. 85.2% of student like the Insect amusement; the reason is same as Figure 10d. We can know students idea of DGBI from: 87.0% of student think DGBI is fun to play, 65. 7% of students thinks is easy to control, 63.0% of students think that picture in DGBI can let them discern the insect. Figure 10e shows that 48.7% thinks the designing of DGBI is excel l ent; 23.5% of students thinks the teaching content is too difficult to learn, 22.6% of students thinks that the picture is not clearly enough, another 5.2% of students thinks that we can increase more picture and entomol- ogy in DGBI. Conclusion Follow ADDIE Pattern can Develop Good Quality of DGBI Teaching Materials The DGB I teaching materials develop by following the five step of ADDIE pattern. First, we analysis student’s alternative concep t i on when they identify insects and the appearance structure of insect. Second, we use conflict concepts tactics, computer simulation tactics and mapping concept tactics as foundation to design the whole structure of the DGBI . Then, we collect ed element that we needed and the use Adobe Flash CS4 to animate DGBI. After testing DGBI, we adopted the expert’s suggestion and three functions: First, we added Hymenoptera insect to increase the richness and completeness of DGBI. Second, we added the function of showing the correct answer and learning key points to let the lower packet of pupils can finish the learning in DGBI. The last but not least, we added the function of strengthen the audio and timing to give the students immediately learning feedback. In the evaluation phase, the DGBI obtain the AAA certification, which display DGBI is an excellent digital teaching materials. DGBI Teach ing Materials can Let Students to Learn Insect Concept Step by Step DGB I t eaching materials have good teaching content, teach- ing goals, learning direction and teaching media, which can help students learning insect concept orderly and gradual. In DGB I , we also provide diverse applications examples to stu- dents. First, we selected the text words and the picture that we use in DGBI to fit the awareness l evel of the l earner; secondly, DGBI has pictures that can turn 360 degrees, zoom up partial features and break through the limit of paper page. In the learning direction part, DGBI guide the students by a narrative context, leading the students from their original con- cept of cognitive, and let them choice their own learning path. The answer shown function can provide the underperformed children some help before game over. DGBI Teach ing Materials can Improve Students Interested in Learning Insec t Compare to “Bugs Adventure”, “Legs and Wings”, and “Mou thpa rts and feeding habits” three teaching activities, there’s 91.0% of students likes the “Mouthparts and feeding habits” activities. Compare three teaching activities “Dol e’s insect mission”, “Conception map” and “Insect amusement”, 85.2% of students likes the “Insect amusement” activity. Stu- dent thinks the “Mouthparts and feeding habits” unit has rich learning content and exciting game, which has self-challenge design (the speed with become faster and faster) and can com- pare their score with others, and make this unit their favorite one. DGBI Teach ing Materials can Help Stude nts to Build the Right Insect Conce pts According to the pretest and posttest scores in t-test in the “Insect cognitive conception test” , we found that after using DGBI teaching materials, students can have better insect con- cepts, especially in insects cognitive and insect identification, position of the legs and wings, and mouthparts and feeding habits. Among all the conceptions, the position of the legs and wings enhance the most; especially the lower packet of pupils has increase the most in their learni ng. Expansion Form Teachers Brings Out the Best DGBI Teaching Effect DGB I teaching materials e mph as i zed students can learn in- dependently b y themselves, but will they have another altern a- tive con ception needs more r esearch to test an d verify. I f teach- ers can expl ai n some concept when using DGBI, it can bring out better effects. From the experimental teaching result, we suggest when teaching insect curriculum, teachers can use DGBI teaching materials as a motivate activity. Then, teachers can ask students to observe the entity insect and write down their discovery. In the end, teacher can let the students to use DGBI teaching materials and discuss and clarify their concep- tions together, this cam exert DGBI teaching material’s max- imize learning benefits in insect teaching. Recommendations for Digital Teaching Researchers For some of the students, DGBI teaching material is a little bit hard to learn. Therefore, we recommend digitals designers and resear chers can study what kind of students think DGBI is C. -C. LU, S . -L. JENG Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 110 hard to use and gets difficult in learning. When use DGBI, de- signers and researchers can also study if students reading ability, prior scientific concepts or other reasons will restrict them us- ing DGBI. Acknowledgement s We appreciated to those who made the completion of this study possible, including: funding supported from the National Science Council Taiwan, R.O.C. (NSC101-2511-S-152-010- MY2), teachers who takes questionnaires, teachers who join focus grouping interview and senior teachers who assist the entire researcher. Last but not less, the supports from our re- search team. REFERENCES Bell, B., & Barker, M. (1982). Towards a scientific concept of 'animal'. Journal of Biological Education, 16, 197-200 . Chen, J. Z. (2004). A study of th e insect diversity and conservation. In Forestry Bureau, COA (Eds.) 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