Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
et al., 1998), while other studies claim the opposite (Alaranta et
al., 1994). Another factor related to gender that contributes to
back muscle endurance may be differences in body segment
proportions, as suggested by the data from the current study.
Tichauer et al. (1978) reported that females had longer torsos
and shorter legs than males, suggesting they can achieve better
endurance times in back endurance tests because of it; however,
similar to the findings of Xiao et al. (2005), the results from the
current study failed to support this notion with any clear pattern
between segment length and torso endurance.
One of the problems in this controversy is that some back
muscle endurance scores were achieved in healthy populations
while the others were collected from low back pain (LBP) sub-
jects. Our study was limited to healthy children aged 7 to 14
and results showed that girls are able to maintain longer back
extension. One of the reasons for this may be due to greater
lumbar lordosis in girls, allowing for higher mechanical advan-
tage of the spinal erector muscles, as suggested by Tviet et al.
(1994) and McIntosh et al. (1993). The different geometry of
the female torso from the male torso (Marras et al., 2001), as
well as a presence of a greater number of type I fibers in lumbar
region (Mannion et al., 1997) could potentially influence spine
loading. Some limitations have to be considered for interpreting
the data of this study. We have found no data sets with which to
directly compare these results. The literature focuses on corre-
lations between BMI, body height and body weight with torso
endurance or grip strength. Another limitation arises from the
fact that results were obtained from Serbian children from one
elementary school aged 7 - 14. Personal factors (motivation, for
example) may have influenced performance on torso endurance
tests, which may complicate the interpretation of the results. In
an effort to protect against this, however, the children were
encouraged during all torso endurance testing.
Boys and girls aged 7 to 14 have different relationships be-
tween torso muscle endurance scores and anthropometric
measures. However anthropometric variables appear to have
little influence on torso endurance and appear to be influenced
by other factors that were not measured in this study. This
eventually may lead to gender specific prevention and ma-
nagement of LBP and exercise program development.
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