A: is the frequency factor
Q: activation energy of diffusion
R: universal gas constant
T: is absolute temperature (K)
The slope of the plot betwnK and
ln ln
een l1
T equals
Q as illustrated in Figure 6.
he activation energy of carbo
Tn migration through mar-
eel grade AISI 1536 can be carried out
te phase are 6.478, 5.769, 5.452, 5.157 KJ/mol for
steels free boron, 0.00066% B, 0.00230% B, 0.00550%
B respectively. These values of activation energies are
too low. Therefore the decrease of hardness can not be
considered to the carbon migration through matensite
phase but seems to be due to stress relief. At the same
time it can be deduced that the addition of boron reduces
the energy required to rearrange carbon through marten-
site phase and as boron content increases the martensite
phase become more ordered as illustrated in X-ray dif-
fraction as given in Figure 4, and hence, the migration of
carbon becomes more difficult.
4. Conclusion
Improvement of st
by addition of boron. The results indicate that the addi-
tion of B up to 0.00230 increases sharply both the yield
and ultimate tensile strength. By further addition of B,
there were gradual increase in both yield and ultimate
tensile strength. The elongation of steel increases as bo-
ron content increases up to 0.0055%. Addition of boron
improves impact toughness at 25˚C and enhances the
1/T, K
0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0016 0.0018 0.0020
ln K
Free Boron
0.00067 %B
0.0023 %B
0.0055 %B
Figure 6. Plots lnK against 1/T for produced steels.
martensite formation. The activation energies of carbon
migration through martensite phase decreases with the
increase of boron content due to its positive effect on the
crystallinity of martensite phase.
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