E. J. Van Der Gaag, N. Van Droffelaar / Open Journal of Pediatrics 2 (2012) 244-249
According to the data obtained, it can be observed that
both the assumptions were confirmed. Children with
upper respiratory tract infections who visit the doctor
frequently, were found to exceed the normal variation of
incidence of respiratory disease according to their parental
recalls. This being a normal stage in childhood is there-
fore unlikely. This incidence was found to be high and
resulted in an emerging phenomenon. High parental
concern was however also observed. A relation between
high parental co ncern and children ’s respiratory illnesses
could be possible but further data is needed to elucidate
the exact mechanism.
EvdG thanks her co-researchers/friends who helped to translate daily
practice into scientific research. We thank Professor J. van der Palen
(Medical School Twente, University Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands)
for assisting us with the statistical analysis.
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