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![]() Psychology, 2010, 1, 128-133 doi:10.4236/psych.2010.12017 Published Online June 2010 ( Copyright © 2010 SciRes. PSYCH People with Metabolic Syndrome Disorders Give Lower Offers in Ultimatum Game Anuja Joshi1, Sumedha Kondekar1, Prajakta Belsare2, Saroj Ghaskadbi2, Milind Watve3,4, Maithili Jog1 1Department of Biotechnology, Abasaheb Garware College, Pune, India; 2Department of Zoology, University of Pune, Pune, India; 3Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India; 4Anujeeva Biosciences Pvt Ltd., Pune, India. Email: Received April 8th, 2010; revised May 12th, 2010; accepted May 14th, 2010. ABSTRACT Background: The origins of the metabolic syndrome disorders are being increasingly recognized as neuro-behavioural rather than dietary or metabolic. The neuro-behavioural origins hypothesis implies that there should be detectable be- havioural differences between people with and without metabolic syndrome disorders. We test here whether the eco- nomic behaviour o f individuals with any of the m etabolic syndrome disorders d iffers from that of healthy age ma tched controls using the ultimatum bargaining game. Methods: The ultimatum game was played by 59 persons with at least one of four metabolic syndrome disorders namely type 2 diabetes (T2D), hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and car- diovascular disease (MS group ) and the results were compared to a healthy age matched control consisting of 71 per- sons. Results: The MS group gave significantly lower ultimatum game offers than the control group. Testing for indi- vidual disorders, type 2 diabetics gave significantly lower offers than the non-diabetic gro up. In binary logistic regres- sion, ultimatum game offer was a b etter p redictor o f MS and T2D than Body Mass Index (BMI). Conclusions: There are detectable behaviou ral d ifferen ces between individu a ls with metabolic syn drome disorders as compa red to age matched healthy controls. The results are compatible with the neurobehavioral origins hypothesis and demonstrate further the association between metabolic states and social and economic behaviour. Keywords: Economic Behaviour, Fairness, Metabolic Syndrome, Serotonin, Testosterone, Ultimatum Game 1. Introduction The cluster of diseases including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, athero- sclerosis and cardio-vascular disease are collectively called insulin resistance syndrome or metabolic syn- drome. The name itself reflects the traditional view that the aetiology as well as pathogenesis of th ese disorders is predominantly metabolic. The syndrome has a strong positive association with obesity [1-3] and imbalance in energy homeostasis is believed to be central to it. Pre- disposition to these disorders has been said to be owing to a “thrifty” metabolism imparted genetically or by foe- tal programming [4,5]. From time to time the thriftiness paradigm has been challenged on several grounds [6-8]. Some of the critics of thriftiness family of hypotheses have completely re- jected the concept [7,8], whereas others have pointed out the inadequacies of the hypotheses and suggested alter- natives which are not incompatible with thriftiness hy- potheses [6,9]. One of the alternative hypotheses which says that the physiological changes that underlie meta- bolic syndrome are adaptive to a “soldier” to “diplomat” transition in lifestyle appears to explain most of the metabolic, immunological, reproductive and cognitive changes known to accompany insulin resistance as well as accommodate and reinterpret foetal programming [6]. Belsare [9] pointed out that this behavioural switch hy- pothesis can also account for thriftiness and that thrifti- ness can be a subset of the behavioural switch hypothesis. The behavioural switch hypothesis was further refined by Rashidi et al. [10] and Belsare et al. [11] to elaborate on the mechanisms and pathways by which behavioural transitions can bring about endocrine, metabolic and immunological changes. The behavioural origins para- digm predicts that in add ition to obesity, high population density, suppression of physical aggression, suppression of sexual desire and sexual activity, a perception of being physically weak and high social manipulation skills should be associated with many of the metabolic syn- ![]() People with Metabolic Syndrome Disorders Give Lower Offers in Ultimatum Game 129 drome disorders [6,11]. This is potentially a major para- digm shift by which the metabolic syndrome disorders will be more a subject of behavioural sciences than medicine. Although a number of predictions of the be- havioural switch hypothesis are supported by meta- analysis [11], more direct tests of the predictions are needed. We state and test here one of the predictions of the behavioural origins hypothesis. If the origins of metabolic syndrome are behavioural, there should be detectable behavioural ch aracteristics associated with the metabolic syndrome disorders. Further a set of quantifi- able behavioural changes should be able to predict metabolic syndrome disorders in cross sectional or pref- erably longitudinal studies. Currently we do not know which specific set of behaviours should one look for and the best possible assays for them. Much careful thinking, standardization and validation would be needed before using such predictive behavioural tests. As a first step towards this goal we test here whether detectable and quantifiable behavioural differences exist between indi- viduals with one or more of the metabolic syndrome dis- orders and age matched healthy controls. We selected a simple bargaining game that has been used extensively in economics and behavioural science, namely ultimatum game [12]. Ultimatum game was selected owing to its simplicity and a consistent demonstration that levels of certain hormones are associated with the behavioural outcome in the game [13-17]. 1.1 Ultimatum Ga me The ultimatum game involves two-player bargaining. The two players are unknown to each other. One player (player 1) plays the role of allocator and the other player (player 2) plays the role of recipient. Player 1 is promised some money and is asked to divide it between himself and the other player. The rules stipulate that player 1 must make an offer, and player 2 can either accept the offer or reject it. If player 2 accepts the offer, player 1 receives the promised money and will have to give the offered fraction to player 2. If player 2 rejects the offer, none of them gets any money. If we assume that each player plays to maximize his benefits, the rational strategies are simple. For player 2 accepting and rejecting are the only two options. Since rejection is bound to give zero returns, accepting any non-zero offer is the only rational strategy. Assuming player 1 knows what is rational for player 2, offering minimum non-zero amount would be the most rational strategy for player 1. However, it is observed that most people do not go by this rationale. In a large number of studies across age groups and cultures the modal offer is typically 50% and the mean offer lies between 40% and 50% of the total amount. Although the game is simple to perform and analyze, the interpretation of the results is complex. The surprising agreement about roughly equal sharing has been commonly interpreted as a result of an innate human tendency to appreciate fair and to retaliate unfair decisions [12]. This interpretation is certainly at- tractive and generally widely agreed. However the dem- onstration that serotonin [13-15] and testosterone [16,17] levels affect ultimatum offers has raised other possibili- ties too. Both serotonin and testosterone are associated with social dominance hierarchy and aggression in dif- ferent ways. Manipulating brain serotonin levels can change the dominant status and behaviour of an individ- ual in a wide variety of species [18,19]. It is possible therefore that the ultimatum game offers reflect social hierarchical behaviour in some way and not fairness alone. Social factors related to status and hierarchy have also been reported as risk factors for metabolic syndrome [20,21]. Both serotonin and testosterone play important roles in metabolic syndrome. Chronically elevated sero- tonin signalling in the hypothalamus induces peripheral insulin resistance [22,23]. Testosterone levels of diabet- ics are typically low and testosterone has a protective role against many pathological consequences of meta- bolic syndrome [24-26]. Since serotonin is negatively associated with ultimatum offers and testosterone is posi- tively associated [13-17], one may expect that diabetics may give lower offers in ultimatum game. However, to the best of our knowledge there are no previous studies testing whether behaviour in ultimatum game is associ- ated with any disorder. 2. Methods 2.1 Sample Groups Sampling was restricted to a narrow socioeconomic sec- tor comprising urban middle class in Pune city selected based on the locality and type of housing. Maintaining the socioeconomic class, 43 households and 14 work- places were visited and all individuals between the age groups of 40 and 75 were requested to voluntarily par- ticipate in the study but the objective and the hypothesis being tested was not disclosed until completing the re- sponse sheet. The respondents were given to know the conditions of the game, were promised an amount of INR 500 (approximate equivalent of $ 10) and asked to write their offers to an anonymous player 2. The occupation, height, weight and self repor ted history of any of the fol- lowing metabolic syndrome components diagnosed were noted. The noted disorders were type 2 diabetes (T2D), hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease. Since the proportion of individuals with any of these disorders was expected to be low, in order to have comparable numbers, the names of 30 patients with T2D or hypertension were selected from a health camp taking care that they belonged to the same locality and socio- economic group. They were visited and their participa- tion requested as above. In total the sample group con- Copyright © 2010 SciRes. PSYCH ![]() People with Metabolic Syndrome Disorders Give Lower Offers in Ultimatum Game 130 sisted of 71 healthy individuals (without any of the above four disorders) and 58 with at least one of these disorders (47 T2D, 19 hypertension, 5 hypercholesterolemia and 5 CVD). 2.2 Statistical Analysis The sample group was divided as individuals with at least one of the metabolic syndro me disorders (MS group, n1 = 58, 25 male, 33 female) and healthy controls (n2 = 71, 30 male 41 female). The age group distribution of the two groups was compared with 10 year interval groups. Since the distribution of ultimatum game offers was highly leptokurtic with the mode at 50% represented by a very sharp peak, the data were divided into 3 categories namely the modal offer group (50% ± 5%), one with lower offers than the modal group and one with higher offers than the modal group. Frequencies in these three groups in MS versus healthy controls were compared using chi square test. Similar test was performed to compare T2D versus non-diabetic groups. For other dis- orders the number of affected individuals was too small for a meaningful statistical test. Using MS and diabetes separately as binary variables, logistic regression was used to test which out of the noted variables namely sex, occupation, body mass index (BMI) and ultimatu m game offer predicted the disorders. 3. Results The MS and healthy control groups did not differ sig- nificantly in the sex and age class distribution. In the pooled data the modal ultimatum game offers were at 50%. However, as compared to the healthy con trol group the MS group deviated significantly from the mode, much of the deviation being towards the left. The mean offers by the MS group (Rs 202.55) were substantially lower than the control group (Rs. 241.05) and frequency below the mode was highly significantly greater than the control group (chi square = 32.01, df = 2, p < 0.001) (Figure 1). In both MS as well as healthy groups, the frequencies of the three offer classes did not differ sig- nificantly between the two sexes. The comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic groups showed similar pattern and the difference was highly significant (chi square = 28.42, df = 2, p < 0.001) (Fig- ure 2). For other disorders the sample sizes were too small to allow a meaningful statistical test. There was a weak negative correlation between BMI and ultimatum game offers in the pooled dat a whi ch was non-signif icant. Logistic regression with presence of at least one of the metabolic syndrome disorders as a dependent binary variable and including sex, occupation, BMI and ultima- tum offers revealed that the effects of sex and occupation were non-significant whereas BMI (Wald = 3.09, p = 0.078) and ultimatum offer (Wald = 3.56, p = 0.059) Figure 1. Frequencies of ultimatum offers by people with metabolic syndrome (MS) disorders in comparison with healthy controls: Data are divided in three categories namely modal (50% ± 5%), below modal and above modal class. MS give significantly lower offers. (chi square = 32.01, df = 2, p < 0.001) Figure 2. Frequencies of ultimatum offers by people with T2D in comparison with healthy controls: Data are divided in three categories namely modal (50% ± 5%), below modal and above modal class. Diabetics give significantly lower offers. (chi square = 28.42, df = 2, p < 0.001) were marginally significant with overall predictability of the model being 62.4%. Exclusion of BMI from the re gression rendered the effect of ultimatum offer signifi- cant (Wald = 5.12, p = 0.02) with predictability improv- ing to 68.6%. On exclusion of ultimatum offer the effect of BMI was non-significant an d pred ictability declin ed to 56.78%. Considering T2D alone the patterns were very similar. Only ultimatum offer significantly predicted T2D in logistic regression (Wald = 4.42, p = 0.035) whereas BMI, sex and occupation did not show significant effects, the predictability of the mode l being 65.52%. 4. Discussion We found highly significant behavioural differences in people with T2D, hypertension or other components of metabolic syndrome in comparison with healthy age matched controls. This might be unexpected by the con- ventional view of the syndrome which assumes diet and metabolism to be the root cause of the disorders. How- Copyright © 2010 SciRes. PSYCH ![]() People with Metabolic Syndrome Disorders Give Lower Offers in Ultimatum Game 131 ever, with the emerging picture of behavioural origins, detectable behavioural differences are expected to be present. However, currently there are no specific tools standardized to quantitatively assess behavioural differ- ences between healthy versus diabetic or hypertensive people. Designing and validating such tests specifically for this purpose would need much intensive thinking and research inputs. Ultimatum game is a simple and popular standard tool in studying economic and social behaviour in humans and therefore a good test to begin investiga- tions. The demonstration of highly significant differences in ultimatum game should stimulate further empirical research in the behavioural aspects of metabolic syn- drome. Ultimatum game is generally considered as a “fair- ness” game. However it would be unfair to jump to the conclusion that people with metabolic syndrome are “un- fair” to others. This is because the fairness interpretation of ultimatum game itself can be questioned. People may deviate from the economically rational low offers owing to a number of possible alternative reasons. The offers may represent a valuation of relative social ranking with an anonymous person being given a default equal rank- ing. A high offer may be viewed as a costly signal in- tended to advertise one’s own status and generosity or it may be driven by a hidden prediction of repeated and reciprocal interactions. All these explanations can be grouped as social status related explanations. It can be perhaps generalized that economic rationality prompts low offers and social status and social justice related factors prompt offers substantially higher than the eco- nomically rational ones. On this scale diabetics appear to be more inclined towards economic rationality co mpared to social rank or social justice related factors. A change in social rank or stress related to social subord ination has been shown to be associated with insulin resistance syn- drome and related physiological changes in animals as well as humans [20,21]. The hormones which have pre- viously been shown to affect economic game behaviour are serotonin and testosterone both of which are known to play a role in social dominance hierarchy [18,19]. Therefore the more plausible explanation of lower hits by diabetics is likely to be related to a greater importance of economic rationality as compared to an aggressive and competitive social hierarchy. On the other hand there is neither any a priori reason nor evidence showing that metabolic syndrome disorders affect “fairness”. The social rank explanation is compatible with the upcoming paradigm of behavioural origins of metabolic syndrome. In animal societies the physically strong and dominant “hawk” strategists are insu lin sensitive wh ereas weaker, subordinate but socially smart and opportunistic “dove” strategists are relatively insulin resistant [11]. The former are typically characterized by high testoster- one, low serotonin, low cholesterol and cortisol whereas the later by low testosterone, high serotonin, high cho- lesterol and cortisol levels. The dove strategists obtain their fitness by being socially smart and opportunistic. For them aggressive fights for higher social rank are likely to be rather counterproductive. They may retract from aggression but be smarter towards tapping opportu- nities. The human coun terparts of th e “hawk ” and “dove” strategies have been called “soldier” versus “diplomat” strategies [6] and metabolic syndrome is claimed to be a physiological state related to a “diplomat” personality. It therefore makes sense for a diplomat to be economically rational and care less about aggressive social hierarchical struggle. The results of the survey are therefore compati- ble with the behavioural origins paradigm of metabolic syndrome. Of much potential interest is the result that ultimatum game offers are good predictors of T2D and other disor- ders. At least in our sample ultimatum offer was a better predictor of diabetes than BMI, although BMI has been commonly used as a strong predictor of metabolic syn- drome disorders. This may not be surprising because of a duel reason . On the o n e hand in In dian p opulatio n in su lin resistance is not very strongly associated with high BMI [27] and on the other hand the inadequacy of obesity alone in explaining insulin resistance syndrome is in- creasingly being recognized. Out of the recently identi- fied genetic markers that are significant risk factors for type 2 diabetes very few are significantly associated with obesity parameters [28]. Also the relationship of obesity with life threatening disorders is not constant over time. Along with increasing mean BMI in the population, the optimum BMI ensuring minimum mortality rate appears to have increased substantially over the last hundred years [29]. This is more compatible with the speculation of behavioural origins hypothesis that the relative rather than absolute obesity is the true risk factor [6] and that obesity functions as a behavioural signal [30]. It would be interesting to test whether ultimatum game is a better predictor of metabolic syndrome across cultures and eth- nicities. One may also speculate whether it would be possible to design a set of behavioural tests that may be predictive of T2D and related chronic conditions in lon- gitudinal studies. This small study should therefore stimulate further studies along three paths. One would be to test the robustness of the association of ultimatum game offers with metabolic syndrome cross culturally, the other to design and standardize a set of tests to cover a wider variety of behaviours that could be markers of metabolic syndrome and the third to test whether the set of behavioural differences can predict the development of metabolic syndrome disorders in longitudinal studies. 5. Acknowledgements Prajakta Belsare was supported by CSIR, India and Copyright © 2010 SciRes. PSYCH ![]() People with Metabolic Syndrome Disorders Give Lower Offers in Ultimatum Game 132 Maithili Jog by BCUD, University of Pune during the study. REFERENCES [1] O. Bosello and M. Zamboni, “Visceral Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome,” Obesity Reviews, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2000, pp. 47-56. [2] S. M. Grundy, “Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Car- diovascular Disease,” The Journal of Clinical Endocri- nology & Metabolism, Vol. 89, No. 6, 2004, pp. 2595- 2600. [3] D. E. Moller and K. D. 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