the students with high level of test anxiety and are classified as
Group D; the subjects whose scores of test anxiety comprise the
middle third of all the scores are defined as the students with
moderate level of test anxiety and are classified as Group E; the
subjects whose scores of test anxiety comprise the bottom third
of all the scores are defined as the students with low level of
test anxiety and are classified as Group F. All the 78 subjects
are then required to take the 60-item test with moderate diffi-
culty which has been taken by Semester II subjects in investi-
gation I. The test is carried out in a fixed random item order
through conventional computerized test. Since computerized
adaptive tests which will be administered later require unidi-
mensionality, the results of 32 items which represent the mod-
erately difficult items belonging to factor 1 among the 60 items
are picked out and analyzed.
According to the test results of the 32 items, Group D is fur-
ther divided into two subgroups with no significant mean dif-
ference, they are D1 and D2 (t-test p = .649 > .05), Group E is
also further divided into two subgroups with no significant
mean difference, they are E1 and E2 (t-test p = .641 > .05), and
Group F is further divided into two subgroups with no signifi-
cant mean difference, they are F1 and F2 (t-test p = .589 > .05).
Each pair of subgroups represents subjects with similar aca-
demic ability at a certain level of test anxiety.
Next, the six subgroups are required to take tests containing
the remaining 128 items concerning factor 1 in the item bank.
The 128 items are administered to subgroups D1, E1 and F1
through a computerized adaptive test which can adjust the item
order according to individual examinee’s perceived item diffi-
culty, while the same 128 items are administered to subgroups
D2, E2 and F2 through a conventional computerized test in
which the items are arranged in a hard-to-easy order according
to item bank calibrated item difficulty. According to the results
of the tests, the moderating effects of the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty on
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance can
be discovered. Table 3 shows the mean differences and the
level of significance for t-test between subgroups of the same
As for Group D1 and Group D2, the results reflect that the
mean score of Group D1 which take a computerized adaptive
test and that of Group D2 which take a hard-to-easy test are
significantly different (t-test p = .009 < .05). Since Group D1
and Group D2 are the subgroups with high level of test anxiety,
it can be concluded that the item order adjusted according to
individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty may have a
significant effect on the relationship between test anxiety and
test performance as far as examinees with high test anxiety are
concerned. As for Group E1 and Group E2, the results reflect
that the mean score of Group E1 which take a computerized
adaptive test and that of Group E2 which take a hard-to-easy
test are significantly different (t-test p = .024 < .05). Since
Group E1 and Group E2 are the subgroups with moderate level
Table 3.
Mean differences and p-values observed in Investigation II .
D1-D2 E1-E2 F1-F2
Mean difference 12.1538 9.4615 9.30769
t-test p value .009 .024 .043
of test anxiety, it can be concluded that the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty
may have a significant effect on the relationship between test
anxiety and test performance as far as examinees with moderate
test anxiety are concerned. As for Group F1 and Group F2, the
re s ults reflect that the mean score of Group F1 whi ch take a com-
puterized adaptive test and that of Group F2 which take a hard-
to-easy test are also significantly different (t-test p = .43 < .05).
Since Group F1 and Group F2 are the subgroups with low level
of test anxiety, it can be concluded that the item order adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty
may also have a significant effect on the relationship between
test anxiety and test performance as far as examinees with low
test anxiety are concerned.
According to the results of the 60-item tests with moderate
difficulty administered to Semester II subjects and Semester III
subjects in investigation I and investigation II respectively, it
can be discovered that there is no significant difference be-
tween Semester II subjects and Semester III subjects in aca-
demic achievement (t-test p = .603 > .05). Therefore, Semester
II subjects and Semester III subjects can be regarded as two
sample populations with similar academic ability and the out-
comes from Investigation I and Investigation II can be analyzed
in a combined way. Figure 2 shows how the outcomes from the
two investigations are related with each other.
From the above diagram, some global findings about the
moderating effects of item order arranged by difficulty on the
relationship between test anxiety and test performance can be
obtained by comparing the outcomes of the two investigations.
Firstly, it can be found that both lines rise from left to right,
which demonstrates that no matter whether the item order is
arranged by item bank calibrated item difficulty or adjusted
according to individual examinee’s perceived item difficulty,
the higher test anxiety the examinee has, the more easily the
test performance of the examinee can be influenced by item
order. Secondly, according to the easy-hard: hard-easy line, it
can be found that item order has significant moderating effects
on highly-anxious and moderately-anxious subjects, but the
effect on subjects with low test anxiety is not significant; while
according to the order adjusted by perceived difficulty: hard-
easy line, it can be found that item order has significant moder-
ating effects on all subjects in three levels of test anxiety. A
vivid demonstration of the finding is that the line representing
the comparison between the easy-hard item order and the
hard-easy item order is entirely above the line representing the
comparison between the item order adjusted by perceived dif-
ficulty and the hard-easy item order, which indicates that the
item order adjusted by perceived difficulty has a greater mod-
erating effect on the relationship between test anxiety and test
performance in a whole sense.
According to the outcomes of the two investigations and the
discussion above, two conclusions can be made at least: 1) Item
order arranged by difficulty does have moderating effects on
the relationship between test anxiety and test performance. The
higher test anxiety the examinee has, the more significant the
moderating effect will be; 2) The moderating effects of the item
order adjusted according to perceived difficulty are in a whole
sense more significant than the moderating effects of the item
order arranged by item bank calibrated item difficulty.
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