Agricultural Sciences
Vol.05 No.14(2014), Article ID:52420,7 pages

Effects of Different Nitrogen Applications on Soil Physical, Chemical Properties and Yield in Maize (Zea mays L.)

Heng Zhong1*, Qiao Wang1*, Xinhua Zhao1, Qi Du1, Yue Zhao1, Xiaoguang Wang1, Chunji Jiang1, Shuli Zhao1, Minjian Cao1, Haiqiu Yu1#, Dawei Wang2#

1College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China

2Corn Research Institute, Liaoning Academy of Agriculture Science, Shenyang, China


Copyright © 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Received 3 October 2014; revised 19 October 2014; accepted 20 November 2014


Application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is one of the most important approaches on improving maize grain yield. However, as is known to all, overuse N fertilizer not only leads to decline of N use effi- ciency and maize yield, but also leads to potential risk to environment pollution. This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of N fertilizer applications with nine different treatments on soil physical-chemical characters and maize grain yield using hybrid variety Zhengdan 958 in 2011 and 2012. Results indicated that the soil bulk densities of T2 (CK) and T1 were the lowest compared to other treatments in 2011 and 2012, respectively, whereas the soil bulk density of T5 in 2011 and T3 in 2012 were higher than other treatments. The soil porosity and field capacity of T5 in 2011 and T3 in 2012 were lower than other treatments, but those of CK in 2011 and T1 in 2012 were higher than other treatments. The pH values of T3 to T7 were lower than other treatments. These results indicated that the soil bulk densities were increased, whereas the soil porosity, field capacity and values pH were decreased by N application at different stages. N application could increase the N contents of leaf and stem, whereas less or excess N application should not significant improve maize yield. Although the soil organic matter and total N contents of T3 were the highest in both 2011 and 2012, the yield of T4 is the highest in both 2011 and 2012. The appli- cation amount, period and times of N fertilizer were important to maize yield.


Maize, N fertilizer application, yield, Soil physical and chemical properties, N content

1. Introduction

Soil nutrition absorbed by crops can be divided into mobile and immobile [1] . Nitrogen (N) in form of nitrate and water are highly mobile and required in largest amounts by crops. Phosphorus (P) is the most immobile, and potassium (K) is also relatively immobile, both of which are macronutrients required by crops [2] . The contents of N, P and K in agricultural soil are affected by plant growth and yield [3] . Therefore, crop yield is limited by two important mobile resources, including nitrate and water, as well as two immobile resources, P and K [4] . In recent years, there was about 60% of soil nutrition deficiency as a result of long-term agricultural production of existing cultivated land in China, could not meet with the needs of crop yield improvement [5] .

Fertilizer plays an important role in crop yield improvement, which increased crops grain yield by 55% - 57%, and contributed to 30% - 31% of the total grain production [6] [7] . The nitrate N is easily lost through leaching and denitrification in field soil, whereas the ammonium N is usually lost through volatilization [8] [9] . China is a big country in consumption of N fertilizer [10] . The effects of N fertilizer applications on soil organics matter status and soil physical properties are importance to agricultural sustainability and to increase crop yield [11] . Modern agriculture cultivation, on the contrary, concentrates on supper high grain yield and maximum output, compromising input-use efficiency, therefore may not be sustainable in the long run.

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world. N is one of essential nutrient elements for maize growth and development, which use 1 kg of N to produce 49 kg of grain [12] . Although more N fertilizer has been applied, N use efficiency has turned lower. The investigation indicated that utilization rate of N fertilizer was 20% to 50% in china [13] [14] . In addition, more and more application of N fertilizer caused pollution of groundwater and other problems [15] [16] . The extreme of excess application and N pollution were found in intensive agricultural systems of Western Europe, the United States, and, more recently, China [17] . Therefore, reasonable field managements and appropriate application of N fertilizer are necessary for the supper high yield of maize.

Many approaches have been practiced for improving N utilization efficiency in crops, for example, optimal time, rate, and methods of application for matching N supply with crop demand and the use of specially formulated forms of fertilizer. The results showed that N application by stages can significantly increase maize grain yield compared to disposable application as sowing manure [18] . Zhang et al. (2014) reported that the regulating N application (240 kg/ha, divide into 3 equal amounts, each about 80 kg, used as base fertilizer, tillering fertilizer, and booting fertilizer) could increase rice yield while substantially reduced N leaching losses and improved N use efficiency in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, China [19] . At present research on application of N fertilizer roughly includes onetime application technique, basal application and side dressing, the amount of N fertilizer application, slow-released fertilizers and so on. However, there are few researches on regulating N application for maize.

In present study, nine N treatments were carried out to evaluate the effect of different nitrogen applications on soil physical, chemical properties and grain yield production. The objectives are to evaluate the effects of different N fertilizer application on soil physical and chemical characters and maize yield, and to identify the approach for optimal N fertilizer application in maize management program.

2. Materials and Methods

The experiment was carried out on an experimental farm located in Daguben town (N 42˚28′, E 122˚22′), Fuxin city, Liaoning province, China. The hybrid maize variety Zhengdan 958, widely cultivated in northeastern of china, was used in this study. Nine N fertilizer treatments were arranged in a randomized complete-block design with three replicates, totally including 27 plots. Planting were cultured on 30th April, 2011 and on 6th May, 2012. And each plot was 5 m wide by 8 m long with 10 rows, row spacing 50 cm .

The nine N treatments received T1 (N 0 kg/ha), T2 (CK, compound fertilizer 108.75 kg/ha, N 29%, P 10% and K 11%), T3 (N 138.0 kg/ha, 30% at sowing and 70% as side-dressing at jointing stage), T4 (N 241.5 kg/ha, 30% at sowing and 70% as side-dressing at jointing stage), T5 (N 345.0 kg/ha, 30% at sowing and 70% as side- dressing at jointing stage), T6 (N 241.5 kg/ha, 20% at sowing, 60% as side-dressing at jointing stage and 20% at big flare period), T7 (N 241.5 kg/ha, 30% at 7 cm soil layer and 70% at 15 cm soil layer), T8 (N 205.2 kg/ha, Jin zhengda slow-released urea of N 35% at 15 cm soil layer), T9 (N 241.5 kg/ha, Jin zhengda slow-released urea of N 35% at 15 cm soil layer), respectively. In seven treatments from T3 to T9, phosphorus (P2O5 103.5 kg/ha) and potassium (K2O 144 kg/ha) fertilizers were ploughed into the soil tillage layer in one time as a basal fertilizer.

Soil samples were collected from a depth of 0 - 20 cm on the ridge after harvest in 2011 and 2012. Soil bulk density, soil porosity and field moisture were measured by Wilcox method. Soil organic matter content was measured by potassium dichromate method. The total N content of soil and plants were calculated by using the Kjeldahl N method, total P content using Mo-Sb colorimetric method, and total K content using flame photome- try described by Zhang et al., 2014 [19] . The pH was measured by composite electrode method.

Plant samples were taken at jointing stage and big flare period from the two center rows of each plot. Grain yield were determined by harvesting the two center rows from each plot. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at α = 0.05 probability was conducted to test the significance in different treatments.

3. Results

3.1. Effects of Different N Applications on Soil Physical Properties

The effects of different N applications on soil physical properties were list in table 1. In 2011, soil bulk density of CK was the lowest, whereas that of T5 was the highest, 23.23% more than CK. Soil bulk densities under different treatments in 2012 were higher than those in 2011. In 2012, soil bulk density of T1 was the lowest, signifi- cantly less than other treatments and 10.44% less than CK. Soil bulk density of T3 to T9 varied from 1.37 to 1.42 g/cm3, which of T3 was the highest and 5.97% higher than CK.

In 2011, different applications of N fertilizer had no significant on soil moisture. The moisture of T1 was the highest, 10.51% higher than CK, which of T3 was the lowest, 17.13% lower than CK. The moisture values in 2012 were higher than those in 2011. The moisture of T7 was the highest, significantly 9.72% more than CK, while that of T8 was the lowest, and 7.03% less than CK.

In 2011, field capacity of T1 was the highest, while that of T3 was the lowest, 23.33% significantly lower than CK. There were no significant different among treatments. In 2012, field capacity of T1 was significantly higher than other treatments. Field capacity of T4 was the lowest, 8.22% lower than CK, whereas that of T1 was signifi- cantly 28.88% higher than CK. There was no much difference on pH of different treatments in both 2011 and 2012.

Soil porosity of CK was the highest, while that of T5 was the lowest, 10.7% less than CK. soil porosities in 2012 were lower than those in 2011 except T1. Soil porosity of T1 was the highest, 8.9% higher than CK, whereas that of T3 was the lowest, and 5.72% lower than CK. Application of N fertilizer can increase soil bulk

Table 1. Effects of different nitrogen managements on soil physical properties.

Note: Different letter stand for the significant levels at 0.05.

density and decrease soil porosity.

There were not significant different on pH values among nine treatments. The values of T3 in 2011 and CK, T4 in 2012 were lower than other treatments, whereas the values of T8 were higher than other treatments in two years.

3.2. Effects of Different N Applications on Soil Chemical Properties

The effects of different N applications on soil chemical properties were shown in table 2. In 2011, soil organic matter content of T3 was the highest and 2.93% higher than CK, which were significantly higher than T6, T7, T8 and T9. Soil organic matter content of T8 was the lowest, significantly lower than CK. In 2012, soil organic matter content of T3 was also the highest and 3.01% higher than CK, significantly higher than T7, T8 and T9. Soil organic matter content of T9 was the lowest and 8.79% lower than CK.

In 2011, soil total N content of T3 was the highest, 13.87% significantly higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was the lowest, 27.72% lower than CK. In 2012, soil total N content of T3 was also the highest, 10.53% higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was still the lowest, 23.17% lower than CK. Soil alk-hydr. N content of T9 was the highest, significantly 79.14% higher than CK, while that of T1 was the lowest, and 7.29% lower than CK.

In 2011, soil available P content of T6 was the highest, 5.13% higher than CK, whereas that of T4 was the lowest, 16.28% lower than CK. In 2012, soil available P content of T5 was the highest, 33.76% higher than CK, whereas that of CK was the lowest.

In 2011, soil available K content of T8 was the highest, significantly 45.4% higher than CK, while that of T1 was the lowest, significantly 21.2% lower than CK. In 2012, soil available K content of T5 was the highest, significantly 45.39% higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was still the lowest, significantly 21.19% lower than CK.

3.3. Effects of Different N Applications on Dry Matter Accumulation and N, P, K contents in Plant

At jointing stage, shoot dry weight of T3 was the highest and significantly 14.77% higher than CK, whereas that of T6 was the lowest, 17.68% lower than CK (Table 3). There was no significant influence on alk-hydr. N contents in leaves. Alk-hydr. N content in leaf of CK was the highest, whereas that of T9 was the least. Available P content in leaf of T3 was the highest, 4.9% higher than CK, while available P content in leaf of T8 was the lowest, 13.64% higher than CK. Available K content of T3 was the highest, 13.64% higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was the lowest, 15.61% lower than CK.

At big flare period, shoot dry weight of T7 was the highest, 12.48% higher than CK, whereas that of T4 was the lowest, significantly 63.64% lower than CK (Table 4). Alk-hydr. N content in leaf of T1 was significant 51.98% lower than CK. Available P content in leaf of T5 was the highest, 67.79% higher than CK. Available P content in leaf of T1 was the lowest, significant 39.07% higher than CK. Available K content of T5 was the highest, significant 41.29% higher than CK, while that of T1 was the lowest, 12.48% lower than CK. Alk-hydr. N content in stem of CK was the lowest, whereas that of T5 was the highest. Available P content in stem of T6 was the lowest, 13.61% higher than CK, whereas available K content in stem of T4 was the highest, 97.97% significantly higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was the lowest, 36.11% lower than CK.

3.4. Effects of Different N Applications on Maize Yield

The effects of different N application on yield were shown on Figure 1. In 2011, the yield of T4 was the largest, 1094.4 kg/ha more than CK, whereas that of T9 was the least, 948.9 kg/ha less than CK. In 2012, the yield of T4 was still the highest, 224.4 kg/ha higher than CK, whereas that of T1 was the least, 1831.2 kg/ha less than CK.

4. Discussion

Soil bulk density is the ratio of the mass of dry solids to the bulk volume of the soil. The bulk volume includes the volume of the solids and of the pore space. The bulk density reflect the compaction soil, and influence the transform and utilization rate of nutrient in soil directly [20]. In the present study, the soil bulk density of T1 and CK were lower than other treatments in 2011 and 2012, whereas the soil bulk density of T5 in 2011 and T3 in 2012 were higher than other treatments. Field capacity is the amount soil moisture held in soil after

Table 2. Effects of different nitrogen applications on soil chemical properties.

Table 3. Effects of different N applications on dry matter accumulation and N, P, K contents in plant at joint stage.

Table 4. Effects of different N applications on dry matter accumulation and N, P, K contents in plant at big flare period.

excessive water has drained away and the upper limit of water stage [21] . Soil porosity and assignment can be affected by the bulk volume [22] . The soil porosity and field capacity of T2 in 2011 and T1 in 2012 were higher than other treatments. On the contrary, those of T5 in 2011 and T3 in 2012 were lower than other treatments.

Figure 1. Effects of different N applications on yield.

Zhong and Shangguan (2014) reported that N-applied treatments increased water consumption in different layer of soil and evapotranspiration, which were significantly higher in N-applied than in non-N treatments [23] . The average soil pH has decreased 0.5 units due to the excess utilization of N fertilizer in the past two decades in China [24] . Li et al. (2013) reported that the soil pH declined from 8.76 to 8.56 from 1992 to 2008 during long-term field trials in North region, China [25] . The pH values of T3 to T7 were lower than other treatment in this study. These results indicated that N application by stages could increase the soil bulk density and decreased the soil pH, while non-N fertilizer or slow-released urea application should lead to soil harden.

N uptake and efficiency utilization by maize is very important to N economy and yield improvement in agricultural production systems [26] . The dry matter production and nutrient accumulation were usually positively correlated with crop grain yield [27] . Meng et al. (2013) reported that the wheat yield increased from 7 - 9 Mg∙ha−2 to > 9 Mg∙ha−2 was mainly attributed to increased dry matter and N accumulation from stem elongation to anthesis period in eleven filed experiments [28] . Ma and Dwyer (1998) indicated that prolonged maintenance of green leaf area for photosynthate and the ability to take up available soil N during grain filling were characteristics of hybrids maize with greater NUE [29] . Zhang et al. (2013) reported that the contribution of remobilized N from maize organs to grain showed a trend of blade > stem and sheath > cob > bract according to the maximum value of accumulated N in organs [30] . In present study, N contents of shoot were not significant different among nine treatments at joint stage. However, N contents of leaf in T3 to T7 were significant higher than T1, T2, T7 and T8 at big flare period. Specially, N content of leaf in T4 and T5 was the higher than other treatments. Al- though the N, P, K contents of leaf and stem in T5 treatment were higher than other treatments, yield of T5 was not the highest. These results indicated that N application should increase the N content of leaf and stem, but only reasonable level should increase N utilization efficiency and significant improve maize yield. These par- tially attribute to excessive growth caused by overuse fertilizer and vegetative growth consumed more nutrition during growth period in crops.

Soil organic matter content is a major source of system stability in agro ecosystems. Soil total N and alk-hydr. N contents are important fertility indexes of soil. Zhou et al. (2013) reported that the soil organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations had a significant effect on crop yield in the semi-arid Loess Plateau by long-term experimentation [31] . Gong et al., (2013) also indicated that the contribution of soil productivity was significantly correlated with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in wheat with long-term soil fertility experiments [32] . The same results were reviewed from the 1970s to the 2000s in the Loess Plateau in China by Wang et al. (2014) [33] . Results showed that changed trends of soil organic matter content under different treatments in two years were similar. Both soil organic matter and to- tal N content of T3 were the highest in both 2011 and 2012. However, the yield of T4 was higher than other treatments in both two years. Bassoa et al. (2010) indicated that yield response was stronger for 120 kg N/ha than 60 kg N/ha and 90 kg N/ha with the long-term wheat experiment response to N under rain-fed Mediterranean environments [34] . So these results indicated that separated N application could significantly increase grain yield compared to only one application at sowing, but N application times should also be controlled. Not only the amount of N fertilizer application should be taken into account, but also N application periods and times should be controlled. In our study, control release urea didn’t significantly increase maize production and didn’t take a significant advantage in improvement of N use efficiency. But the results of control release urea application in 2012 were better than that in 2011. The advantage of control release urea should be obvious in some years.

5. Conclusion

In the present study, nine treatments of N fertilizer application were carried out to evaluate the variances of soil physical and chemical, the contents of N, P and K in plant and maize grain yield. Results indicated that the soil bulk densities were increased, whereas the soil porosity, field capacity and pH values were decreased with more N application. Reasonable N fertilizer amount (241.5 kg/ha) and application at two stages (30% at sowing and 70% at jointing stage) could significant increase N utilization efficiency and improve maize yield.


The work was financially supported by Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period (2011BAD16B12, 2012BAD04B03, 2013BAD07B03), and by the Tianzhu Mountian Scholars Support Plan of Shenyang Agricultural University, and by Program for Liaoning Excellent Talents in University.


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*Both authors contributed equally.

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