Factor Analysis of Satisfactory Degree on Improvement of Rural Latrines in Shanxi Province—A Perspective of Social Gender


Through exploring the titled research topic and examining the influence of social gender, we suggest some adjustments to a project of toilet amelioration. The approach of factor analysis was used to analyze 448 rural villagers’ questionnaires collected in an investigation in Shanxi province. Most rural villagers are satisfied with the said project. Women’s satisfaction level with regard to the convenience and diseases control is lower than men’s. But their satisfaction with the objective factors of the toilet itself is higher than men’s. Policy-making should consider the needs of these two different groups.

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Zhou, X., Shao, Z. & Liu, X. (2013). Factor Analysis of Satisfactory Degree on Improvement of Rural Latrines in Shanxi Province—A Perspective of Social Gender. Chinese Studies, 2, 92-95. doi: 10.4236/chnstd.2013.22014.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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