The Hard but Holly Life of the Eco-Warrior of Holden


It is easy for us to make a conclusion that Holden loves nature, admires nature and lives in harmony with nature. Meanwhile, he prefers simple life style. Unfortunately, he is always misunderstood, excluded and even persecuted by the people around him and there are few people who share his ambitions and outlook on life. Holden’s life situation is similiar to the modern environmentalists, so the aim of the paper is to remind people that each citizen is supposed to fully understand and support the environmentalists’ holly mission.


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Tang, J. and Zhang, W. (2013) The Hard but Holly Life of the Eco-Warrior of Holden. Advances in Literary Study, 1, 31-33. doi: 10.4236/als.2013.14008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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