Technology as a Mode and Manifestation of Being: An Assessment of Its Applications
Theodore John Rivers
Independent, Forest Hills, USA.
DOI: 10.4236/ahs.2013.23018   PDF    HTML     5,362 Downloads   8,467 Views   Citations


The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how technology’s being is revealed through its applications, which is expressive by means of the mode and manifestation of its being. The designation of technology as a mode of being refers to its nature, and the designation of technology as a manifestation of being refers to its activity as proof of technology’s being. Both mode and manifestation indicate how the being of technology is applied. Although distinguishable as two aspects of technology, both mode and manifestation are essential to revealing the essence of technology and its interplay with the world. Since human culture has a technological underpinning, the applications of technology not only reveal its metaphysics, but also indicate its importance to human culture. In addition to technology’s underlying method, these applications also pertain to the artifacts (or objects) of invention, mathematics, the consciousness of time, writing, alphabetization, science, and society.



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Rivers, T. (2013). Technology as a Mode and Manifestation of Being: An Assessment of Its Applications. Advances in Historical Studies, 2, 140-149. doi: 10.4236/ahs.2013.23018.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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