Bohr Correspondence Principle and Multiphoton Nature Raleigh Light Scattering
Valeriy E. Ogluzdin
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2010.11012   PDF    HTML     5,836 Downloads   10,607 Views   Citations


The correspondence principle and the condition of supplementation were introduced by N. Bohr for the sub-mission of light phenomena, taking into account the wave nature of electromagnetic radiation on one hand, and its quantum structures on the other. In this paper, correspondence principle combines two models of matter, namely, the classical point of view of environment can be considered as an ensemble no equally-frequencies oscillators, i.e. electrons in the surrounding various atoms (molecules) of the matter and characterized by its own set of frequencies (but not hesitant in the absence of an energy source) and the quantum - environment could be presented as a set (ensemble) two-level systems, a wide range of Bohr fre-quencies. According to the correspondence principle Bohr jump-frequencies of atoms (molecules or nano particles) and natural frequencies oscillations of electrons of the same environment - oscillators are equal to each other. The dispersion characteristics of the environment in the every study range of optical frequencies correspond to the model of the classical harmonic oscillator of Lorenz, capable oscillates with Bohr fre-quency. Using the laws of classical mechanics to describe the environment and its dispersion properties, and the simultaneous presentation of light radiation in the form of a beam interacting with the environment of photons (quanta, corpuscles) helps explain peculiarities of the spectral composition Raleigh light scattered.

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V. Ogluzdin, "Bohr Correspondence Principle and Multiphoton Nature Raleigh Light Scattering," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010, pp. 86-89. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2010.11012.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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