A Plea for Agonism Between Analytic and Continental Philosophy
Robrecht Vanderbeeken
DOI: 10.4236/ojpp.2011.11003   PDF    HTML     14,484 Downloads   32,340 Views   Citations


Since the rise of analytic philosophy, a virtual Berlin wall seems to be inserted with respect to continental philosophy. If we take into account the difference between both traditions concerning the respective subject-matters, the pivotal goals, the modes of inquiry and scholarship, the semantic idioms, the methodological approaches, the ongoing discussions, the conferences and publications etc., it is hardly an overstatement to say that both traditions evolve insulated and have a conflicting relation. From a meta-philosophical stance, the common and prima facie reply to this split is the encouragement of merging inclinations. I argue for another strategy. Based on a discussion of the intrinsic differences and their importance, I’m inclined to conclude that unification coincides with a loss of authenticity, blurring the critical potential of both traditions. Hence, we are better of endorsing agonistic pluralism between analytic philosophy and contemporary continental philosophy. The plurality of points of view render several opportunities for productive critiques and fruitful cross-overs between both traditions. Alas, the susceptibility for these innovations is vastly counteracted due to a widespread attitude of antipathy, ignorance and occasional vulgarisation.

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Vanderbeeken, R. (2011) A Plea for Agonism Between Analytic and Continental Philosophy. Open Journal of Philosophy, 1, 16-21. doi: 10.4236/ojpp.2011.11003.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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