Relationship between Mindfulness and Psychological Adjustment in Soldiers According to Their Confrontation with Repeated Deployments and Stressors
Marion Trousselard, Dominique Steiler, Damien Claverie, Frédéric Canini
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.31016   PDF    HTML     6,968 Downloads   13,116 Views   Citations


Although interest in incorporating mindfulness into medical interventions is growing, data on the relationships between mindfulness, stress and coping in military personnel is still scarce. This report investigates the relationship between psychological adjustment and mindfulness in soldiers according to their repeated deployments and confrontations with stressors. Our findings indicate that soldiers’ mindfulness levels were in the range of the middle-aged civilian working population, and were negatively correlated with emotional disturbance measures, and positively correlated with their subjective assessments of their own well-being. Individuals confronted with conflict deployments and stressors recorded lower mindfulness scores, and appeared high in emotional disturbance measures.

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Trousselard, M. , Steiler, D. , Claverie, D. & Canini, F. (2012). Relationship between Mindfulness and Psychological Adjustment in Soldiers According to Their Confrontation with Repeated Deployments and Stressors. Psychology, 3, 100-115. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.31016.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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