Heat shock proteins development in different stages of schistocerca gregaria as response to heavy metals intoxication
Hesham A. Yousef, Amira Afify, Afaf Abdel Meguid, Hany M. Hassan
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.33028   PDF    HTML     5,552 Downloads   10,838 Views  


The induction of heat shock proteins in different stages of S. gergaria exposed to long and short term contamination with heavy metals, Cd and Pb in food was determined, revealing a prominent variable effect in response to the term of exposure and the type of contamination. HSP 70 was specially quantified and characterized to reveal the probability of using HSP as a biomarker for pollution.

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Yousef, H. , Afify, A. , Meguid, A. and Hassan, H. (2011) Heat shock proteins development in different stages of schistocerca gregaria as response to heavy metals intoxication. Natural Science, 3, 218-226. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.33028.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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