Efficacy of mindfulness-based meditation therapy on the sense of coherence and mental health of nurses
Michiyo Ando, Takako Natsume, Hiroko Kukihara, Hiroko Shibata, Sayoko Ito
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.32022   PDF    HTML     8,164 Downloads   17,597 Views   Citations


The primary goal of the study was to assess the efficacy of mindfulness-based meditation therapy on the psychological well-being and sense of coherence of nurses with respect to coping with stress. The participants were 28 nurses working in a ward for elderly patients, with 15 included in the intervention group and 13 in the control group. Nurses in the intervention group received two sessions of mindfulness-based meditation therapy, including breathing, yoga movement and meditation. Each nurse was taught the program in the first session, then exercised at home with a CD, and subsequently met with an interviewer in a second session after two weeks. Nurses in the control group did not receive any interventions. The participants completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), including subdomains of physical symptoms, anxiety and sleep disturbance, interference with social activities, and depression; and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) questionnaire, which includes three subdomains of comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness pre- and post-intervention. The GHQ scores of the intervention group showed a significantly greater decrease than those of the control group. The SOC scores of the intervention group showed a significantly greater increase after the intervention compared to those in the control group, with the highest score for the meaningfulness subdomain. These results indicate that mindfulness-based meditation therapy is effective for improving the psycho-logical well-being and sense of coherence of nurses, which helps them to cope with stress.

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Ando, M. , Natsume, T. , Kukihara, H. , Shibata, H. and Ito, S. (2011) Efficacy of mindfulness-based meditation therapy on the sense of coherence and mental health of nurses. Health, 3, 118-122. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.32022.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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