New Consideration of Problems of Gravitational Optics and Dark Matter Based on Crystal Model of Vacuum
Evgeny V. Chensky
DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2010.28066   PDF    HTML   XML   4,377 Downloads   7,767 Views   Citations


In presented paper we try to consider problems of the gravitational optics and dark matter developing from the crystal model for the vacuum. How it is follows from consideration it enables to describe both electromagnetic waves and spectrum of elementary particles from the unified point of view. Two order parameters – a polar vector and an axial vector - had to be introduced as electrical and magnetic polarization, correspondingly, in order to describe dynamic properties of vacuum. Vacuum susceptibility has been determined to be equal to the fine structure constant . Unified interaction constant g for all particles equal to the double charge of Dirac monopole has been found (g = e/, where e charge electron). The fundamental vacuum constants are: g, , parameters of length and parameters of ti- me for electron and nucleon oscillations, correspondingly. Energy of elementary particles has been expressed in terms of the fundamental vacuum parameters, light velocity being equal to . The term mass of particle has been shown to have no independent meaning. Particle energy does have physical sense as wave packet energy related to vacuum excitation. Exact equation for particle movement in the gravitational field has been derived, the equation being applied to any relatively compact object: planet, satellite, electron, proton, photon and neutrino. The situation has been examined according to the cosmological principle when galaxies are distributed around an infinite space. In this case the recession of galaxies is impossible, so the red shift of far galaxies’ radiation has to be interpreted as the blue time shift of atomic spectra; it follows that zero-energy, and consequently electron mass are being increased at the time. Since physical vacuum has been existed eternally, vacuum parameters can be either constant, or oscillating with time. It is the time oscillation of the parameters that leads to the growth of electron mass within the last 15 billion years and that is displayed in the red shift; the proton mass being decreased that is displayed in planet radiation.

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E. Chensky, "New Consideration of Problems of Gravitational Optics and Dark Matter Based on Crystal Model of Vacuum," Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2 No. 8, 2010, pp. 495-512. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2010.28066.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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