Effects of Planting and Maturity Dates on Shattering Patterns under Early Soybean Production System
Lingxiao Zhang, Nacer Bellaloui
DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2012.31013   PDF    HTML     5,958 Downloads   10,512 Views   Citations


Seed shattering is a common problem in early soybean production system (ESPS) in the Midsouth, which mainly uses maturity group (MG) IV soybeans. Many studies have been conducted on the genetics of soybean shattering resistance for individual varieties; however, information on the physiology of soybean shattering pattern under specific environmental conditions, which is often critical to soybean growers, is very limited. Field experiments were conducted at Stoneville MS from 2007 to 2009 to investigate the shattering patterns of 80-132 MG IV soybean varieties each year. Results from 2007 and 2008 indicated that, when April-planted MG IV soybeans matured in mid- to late August, pods of most soybean varieties did not shatter within the first three weeks after maturity (WAM) and there was no significant shattering effect on final yields. However, differences in pod shattering among the varieties became apparent in the fourth WAM. Late-planted MG IV soybeans, which matured in early September, had a low shattering rate and could hold seeds up to 6 WAM before reaching a critical shattering point. Most soybean varieties planted in April 2009 did not show significant pod shattering by the end of the fourth WAM. The critical point of shattering was not reached until 6 - 7 WAM. Relatively lower temperatures and abundant rainfall during the late growing season in 2009 may be the main reasons causing delayed shattering in April-planted MG IV soybeans. Results from the May-planting of 2007 and the April-planting of 2009 indicated that soybeans maturing after September have much less problematic shattering. Different weather patterns, especially temperature and rainfall in each year could be essential factors affecting seed shattering patterns.

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Zhang, L. and Bellaloui, N. (2012) Effects of Planting and Maturity Dates on Shattering Patterns under Early Soybean Production System. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 3, 119-124. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2012.31013.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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