Study of Green Behavior with a Focus on Mexican Individuals
DOI: 10.4236/ib.2009.12016   PDF    HTML     7,773 Downloads   12,343 Views   Citations


Studies of green behavior have awakened a growing interest, since the accelerated environmental degradation is partly attributed to a lack of such behavior. However it is not an easy task to modify consumer habits and influence the behavior of individuals. This paper summarizes variables extracted from four models of green behavior in five core groups: orientation man-nature, perceived control, ecological knowledge, personal consequences and environmental consequences, with a special focus on the Mexican individuals as an example of application of environmental marketing strategies. Analysis shows that in spite of efforts done in environmental management in Mexico, one of the 12 environmentally megadiverse country of the world, there is a big gap between official programs to protect environment and social participation. In the particular case of Mexico, it is recommended to relate environmental issues to survival process, in order to apply efficient environmental marketing strategies.

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CONRAUD-KOELLNER, E. and Arturo RIVAS-TOVAR, L. (2009) Study of Green Behavior with a Focus on Mexican Individuals. iBusiness, 1, 124-131. doi: 10.4236/ib.2009.12016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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