T. S. Eliot’s Ekphrastic Poems


Poems which have been inspired by paintings or mention a pictorial work can be analysed following a long tradition of studies between painting and poetry. Three of Eliot’s early poems: The Love Song of Saint Sebastian, Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service and On a Portraitare examples of this kind of ekphrastic exercise. There are different kinds of connections between painting and poetry and Eliot uses the iconological elements for different aims. The painters who interested the poet shared in common the fact that they represent a bridge between past and future, not a moment of perfect execution but one of great creativities.

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Rion, R. (2014) T. S. Eliot’s Ekphrastic Poems. Advances in Literary Study, 2, 31-37. doi: 10.4236/als.2014.21007.

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