Journal of Modern Physics

Journal of Modern Physics

ISSN Print: 2153-1196
ISSN Online: 2153-120X

Call For Papers


Special Issue on Statistical Mechanics


Statistical Mechanics is a branch of mathematical physics that studies the average behaviour of a mechanical system where the state of the system is uncertain. A common use of statistical mechanics is in explaining the thermodynamic behaviour of large systems. Statistical mechanics also finds use outside equilibrium. An important subbranch knows as non-equilibrium statistical mechanics deals with the issue of microscopically modelling the speed of irreversible processes that are driven by imbalances. As one of hottest topics in physics, statistical mechanics are of great attractions to researchers.


In this special issue, we invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original research and review articles that explore statistical mechanics. In this special issue, potential topics include, but are not limited to:


  • Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
  • Indistinguishable particles
  • Bose-Einstein distribution
  • Fermi-Dirac distribution
  • Statistical mechanics and thermodynamic laws
  • Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
  • Statistical thermodynamics
  • The applications of statistical mechanics outside thermodynamics


Authors should read over the journal’s Authors’ Guidelines carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal’s Paper Submission System.


Please kindly note that the “Special Issue” under your manuscript title should be specified and the research field “Special Issue - Statistical Mechanics” should be selected during your submission.


Also please note the following timetable: 


Submission Deadline

January 8th, 2015

Publication Date

March 2015


Guest Editor:


For further questions or inquiries

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