A Facelift for a Two-Year-Old: Alternative Use of Facelift Approach, to Achieve Serial Excision of a Medium Sized Congenital Naevus, in a Two-Year-Old Patient
Marco Malahias, Diaa Othman, George Spyrou
DOI: 10.4236/ss.2011.29099   PDF    HTML     4,534 Downloads   7,017 Views  


Historically, face-lifting consisted of elevating the skin, placing it under tension to reduce the wrinkles, resecting the skin needed to accomplish this, and then securing the resected edges. However, over time, facelift surgery evolved beyond the Dorland’s definition of “rhytidectomy” (excision of skin for the elimination of wrinkles [1]) and various different techniques and indications have been described.We report of the pre-auricular facelift approach, as described by Skoog [2] for alternative use: The excision of a giant cell tumour, utilizing this facelift technique to achieve serial excision from a two year old, male patient’s face. This has resulted in a satisfactory aesthetic outcome and scar alignment in favourable area as well as excision of a significant part of the lesion, and awaiting further serial excision for completion.

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M. Malahias, D. Othman and G. Spyrou, "A Facelift for a Two-Year-Old: Alternative Use of Facelift Approach, to Achieve Serial Excision of a Medium Sized Congenital Naevus, in a Two-Year-Old Patient," Surgical Science, Vol. 2 No. 9, 2011, pp. 453-455. doi: 10.4236/ss.2011.29099.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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