Seven Stimuli to Identify Opportunities of Innovation: A Practice of Training Innovative Engineers and Some Findings in China


To transfer knowledge to companies by training engineers is directly related to identifying opportunities of innovation. This paper introduces the knowledge system of four levels and an interactive training model for innovative engineers. Training outputs of two classes as cases are analyzed in order to find some factors to affect the training activities. Seven stimuli to identify opportunities of innovation, which are implied in the knowledge system and the training process, are concluded from many face-to-face discussions with the engineers joining our classes. The application of the stimuli is also described, which should be applied in the future training process to improve the possibility to identify opportunities of innovation for innovative engineers.

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Tan, R. (2013) Seven Stimuli to Identify Opportunities of Innovation: A Practice of Training Innovative Engineers and Some Findings in China. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3, 725-739. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2013.38083.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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