E-Learning Student Perceptions on Scholarly Persistence in the 21st Century with Social Media in Higher Education


The purpose of this quantitative analytic study is to evaluate and test the theoretical underpinnings of the Kember (1995) student progress model that examines the direct or indirect effects of student persistence in e-learning by identifying the relationships between variables such as student perceptions, performance, cost-benefit analysis, and student persistence. Thomson (1999), Houle (2004), Harlow (2006), and PortaMerida (2009) verified the reliability and validity of the theory, yet their results are slightly dissimilar in the magnitude of influence on student persistence. Former studies indicate that it could be meaningful to reexamine the variables in more current studies. The online survey in this study explored the relationships among variables. The population of the sample of this study was 169 students at a public community college in Maryland that is offering online and hybrid degree programs. The logistic regression and multiple regression analysis were utilized to analyze the survey data. The findings of this study consistently indicated that negative external attribution was a significant factor for student persistence, degrading the student’s work. Simultaneously, individual student grade point average (GPA) and academic integration were highly correlated to student persistence. The findings of this study convey the current phenomena and knowledge of e-learning regarding student persistence. Social media has been seen as a potential problem, but it could also be a solution if it increases social interaction on focused scholarly topics. Decreasing external attribution and encouraging higher GPA by increasing the academic integration help students continue to pursue their educational goals.

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Lint, A. (2013) E-Learning Student Perceptions on Scholarly Persistence in the 21st Century with Social Media in Higher Education. Creative Education, 4, 718-725. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.411102.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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