Air Pollution and Epigenetics


Air pollution is a global problem with far-reaching environmental impacts. Exposure has been linked to a number of different adverse health effects. Understanding the impact of ambient air pollution is complicated given the diversity of both the pollutants involved as well as the complexity of associated diseases. While we see a positive correlation between levels of exposure and health issues, the mechanisms of pathogenesis are still under investigation. The study of epigenetic regulation as it relates to disease is emerging as an exciting new way to interpret the possible effects of ambient air pollution on DNA. In this review we provide an overview of epigenetic modifications as well as an analysis of how epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the adverse effects associated with the most common components of ambient air pollution.

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Syed, A. , Hew, K. , Kohli, A. , Knowlton, G. and Nadeau, K. (2013) Air Pollution and Epigenetics. Journal of Environmental Protection, 4, 114-122. doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.48A1014.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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