The Riddle as a Learning and Educational Tool


The primary objective of the present research study is to examine the implications of the implementation of an innovative program for the creation of learning stimulation in a challenging environment, through riddles, on the perception of the learning experience in its different aspects. Previous research studies maintain that in a different learning environment, the students’ achievements will be different. One of the goals of the present research study is to examine whether an identical challenging environment creates different or similar results among a population of children with difference in their intelligence level, or in a focused manner, between the achievements of gifted and talented students and students in the traditional learning environment.

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Shaham, H. (2013) The Riddle as a Learning and Educational Tool. Creative Education, 4, 388-395. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.46055.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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