Problem Gambling, Gambling Correlates, and Help-Seeking Attitudes in a Chinese Sample: An Empirical Evaluation
Jasmine M. Y. Loo, Tian Po Oei, Namrata Raylu
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.24054   PDF    HTML     6,592 Downloads   12,152 Views   Citations


There is an increasing consensus that problem gambling (PG) is a serious social issue among the Chinese, but little is known of the factors associated with PG among the Chinese using validated and improved PG measurements. This study examined the patterns of PG and the PG predictive ability of variables such as gambling-related cognitions, gambling urge, depression, anxiety, stress, and help-seeking attitudes among Chinese individuals living in Taiwan. The participants consisted of 801 Taiwanese Chinese student and community individuals (Mean age = 25.36 years). The prevalence of PG (Problem Gambling Severity Index; PGSI) and pathological gambling (South Oaks Gambling Screen; SOGS) are higher in this Taiwanese Chinese sample as compared with past prevalence research. Significant differences were found between PGSI groups (i.e., non-PG, low-risk, moderate-risk, and PG) in socio-demographic variables. Erroneous gambling-related cognitions and overall negative psychological states significantly predicted PG. In addition, interaction effects of gender, mediation effects, and the predictive ability of help-seeking attitudes were discussed. The findings of this study have important implications in the understanding of PG among the Chinese. Gambling-related cognitions and negative psychological states are important factors that should be addressed in intervention programs.

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Loo, J. , Oei, T. & Raylu, N. (2011). Problem Gambling, Gambling Correlates, and Help-Seeking Attitudes in a Chinese Sample: An Empirical Evaluation. Psychology, 2, 342-354. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.24054.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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