Software for Annotating Videos—A Resource to Facilitate Active Learning in the Digital Age


In many areas of study—especially health professions, visual demonstration of concepts, processes and procedures form an important strategy for teaching and learning. Video recordings can be invaluable in capturing visual components. Annotations add another all-important dimension to the learning value of the video. Our Annotated Video Software is an innovative e-learning tool in support of experiential and self-directed learning. Annotations are independent of the video and the separation of annotation and video provides a robust learning environment that supports content. The tool is user-friendly and instructors can add annotations, without the need for intervention by programmers. Annotations can consist of notes of explanation, complementary videos, links to additional information and questions to engage critical thinking. Students’ answers to questions may also be collected and collated. Upon submission of answers feedback can be displayed, thus transforming evaluation into an immediate learning opportunity. We have already created educational resources for health professionals. Next steps include dissemination of the software to educators, provision of software access by mobile devices and better strategies to incorporate the annotated videos into existing learning management systems.

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Premkumar, K. , Cowie, N. , Coupal, C. and Boechler, K. (2013) Software for Annotating Videos—A Resource to Facilitate Active Learning in the Digital Age. Creative Education, 4, 465-469. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.47067.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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