A Survey of Methods to Interpolate, Distribute and Extra- polate Time Series
Jose Manuel Pavía-Miralles
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2010.34051   PDF    HTML     9,186 Downloads   17,541 Views   Citations


This survey provides an overview with a broad coverage of the literature on methods for temporal disaggregation and benchmarking. Dozens of methods, procedures and algorithms have been proposed in the statistical and economic literature to solve the problem of transforming a low-frequency series into a high-frequency one. This paper classifies and reviews the procedures, provides interesting discussion on the history of the methodological development in this literature and permits to identify the assets and drawbacks of each method, to comprehend the current state of art on the subject and to identify the topics in need of further development. It would be useful for readers who are interested in the techniques but are not yet familiar with the literature and also for researchers who would like to keep up with the recent developments in this area. After reading the article the reader should have a good understanding of the most important approaches, their shortcomings and advantages, and be able to make an informed judgment on which methods are most suitable for his or her purpose. Interested readers, however, will not find much detail of the methods reviewed. Due to the broadness of the subjects and the large number of studies being referenced, it is provided some general assessments on the methods revised without great detailed analysis. This review article could serve as a brief introduction to the literature on temporal disaggregation.

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J. Pavía-Miralles, "A Survey of Methods to Interpolate, Distribute and Extra- polate Time Series," Journal of Service Science and Management, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2010, pp. 449-463. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2010.34051.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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