Dialogic Learning in the Training of Nurses


This document, of a theoretical nature, presents a reflection on dialogic rationality in nursing instruction, based on the principles that define this postmodern approach to education. The principles governing the development of dialogic pedagogy fall within the very epistemology of care, defining the explicit and implicit relationships that exist between knowledge and the practice of care. The objective of the document is: To share a reflection on the rationality that permeates education in nursing and to present a theoretical framework for transforming and emancipating teaching practice in nursing. The conclusions of the document are: 1) The dialogic orientation of nursing instruction provides a view of the reality of care that is consistent with the meaning of nursing practice; 2) It favors the creation of intersubjectivities between teacher and student that generate development and personal and professional growth that transcend the educational act to embed themselves in care practice itself and the relationship with the person being cared for; and 3) It represents a framework for transforming care practice and the power relationships established through the legitimized discourses.

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Bardallo, M. , Medina, J. and Zabalegui, A. (2013) Dialogic Learning in the Training of Nurses. Creative Education, 4, 283-286. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.44042.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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