Spatial Interpolation Applied a Crustal Thickness in Brazil


The use of spatial interpolation methods of data is becoming increasingly common in geophysical analysis, for that reason, currently, several software already contain many of these methods, allowing more detailed studies. In the present work four interpolation methods are evaluated, for the crustal thickness data of Brazil tectonic provinces, with the intention of making Moho’s map of the regions. The methods used were IDW, Natural Neighbor, Spline and Kriging. We compiled 257 data that constituted a geographic database implemented in the template Postgree PostGIS and were processed using the tools of interpolation located in the Spatyal Analyst Tools program ArcGIS?9 ESRI. Traditional methods, IDW, Natural Neighbor and Spline, generate artifacts in their results, the effects of aim, not consistent with the behavior of crust. Such anomalies are generated because of mathematical formulation methods added to data compiled gravimetry. The analysis results of geostatistical Kriging are more refined and consistent, showing no specific anormalities, i.e., the crustal thickness variation (thinning and thickening) is introduced gradually. Initial our estimates were separated in four specific blocks. With the approval of new networks (BRASIS, RSISNE and RSIS), the crustal thickness database for Brazil may be amended or supplemented so that new models may be generated more consistently, complementing studies of regional tectonics evolution and seismicity.

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C. Pavão, G. França, G. Marotta, P. Menezes, G. Neto and H. Roig, "Spatial Interpolation Applied a Crustal Thickness in Brazil," Journal of Geographic Information System, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2012, pp. 142-152. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2012.42019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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