Determination of inter- and intra-subtype/species varia-tions in polymerase acidic protein from influenza A virus using amino-acid pair predictability
Shaomin Yan, Guang Wu
Amino-Acid Pair; Influenza A Virus; lnter- and Intra-; Model II ANOVA; Polymerase Acidic Protein; Species; Subtype; Variation
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering,
Vol.2 No.4,
ABSTRACT: The polymerase acidic protein is an important family of proteins from influenza A virus, which is classified as many different subtypes or spe-cies. Thus, an important question is if these classifications are numerically distinguishable with respect to the polymerase acidic protein. The amino-acid pair predictability was used to transfer 2432 polymerase acidic proteins into 2432 scalar data. The one-way ANOVA found these polymerase acidic proteins distinguish-able in terms of subtypes and species. However, the large residuals in ANOVA suggested a pos-sible large intra-subtype/species variation. Therefore, the inter- and intra-subtype/species variations were studied using the model II ANOVA. The results showed that the in-tra-subtype/species variations accounted most of variation, which was 100% in total for both inter- and intra- subtype/species variations. Our analysis threw lights on the issue of how to de-termine a wide variety of patterns of antigenic variation across space and time, and within and between subtypes as well as hosts.