China’s Sui Generis plus Oxymoron- its justification
Shaocheng Tang
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In recent years, China’s overall performance stood out extraordinarily. Although the PRC is not only a socialist but also a developing country, it still has offered financial relief to European countries. None of Beijing’s leaders has been directly elected by the people, but most of them have been proven to be competent. Does this mean that the “Beijing Consensus” has taken over “Washington Consensus”? Given China’s vast population and its unique geographical environment and historical development, compared to European countries, China is sui generis. In the traditional Confucianism, benevolence (仁) is a virtue which human beings are born with, while the Western world is rooted deeply in the Christian culture of “original sin”. As a result the rule of virtue in China contrasts the rule of law in the West, harmony vs. contradiction. China’s “socialist market economy” and “Three Represents” are typical oxymorons but with great success. Since the implementation of a “socialist market economy” in 1992 there has been much more market economy than socialism. Currently, political, social and cultural sectors are lagging behind. Therefore, the gap between the rich and the poor must be reduced efficiently. Nonetheless, the corruption problem remains as another serious and important issue for the CCP. Without independent anti-corruption authorities, it would be extremely difficult for them to tackle this problem. For the time being the Mainland has to count on the leadership to set examples for others.

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Tang, S. (2011) China’s Sui Generis plus Oxymoron- its justification. Open Journal of Political Science, 1, 1-9. doi: 10.4236/ojps.2011.11001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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