The ODM Model and Co-Evolution in the Global Notebook PC Industry: Evidence from Taiwan


This paper aims to explore the evolutionary dynamics of the ODM model in the global notebook PC industry. We found that the “modular design” process of notebook products requires plenty of technical interaction and tacit knowledge exchanges among branding companies, key component suppliers and ODMs. Taiwanese ODMs serve as important sources of information and knowledge for specifications formulation through their system integration and technological development abilities. With increasing complexity and shorter design life-spans, the mutual dependency among the lead firms and ODMs increases, leading to the regional agglomeration in Taiwan and China.

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Yang, D. and Chen, Y. (2013) The ODM Model and Co-Evolution in the Global Notebook PC Industry: Evidence from Taiwan. Advances in Applied Sociology, 3, 69-78. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2013.31009.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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