The State of Entrepreneurship Education in Universities in Shanghai, China: A Survey from Students’ Perspective


In order to understand the status quo of entrepreneurship education in universities inShanghai, this article draws data from a survey on college students in Shanghai. The sample covers a wide range of students from different majors, school years, and regional backgrounds. The analysis focuses on their recognition of entrepreneurship education, the curriculum, and the preparation of entrepreneurship, etc. Based on the survey data, the article also discusses the current problems of entrepreneurship education in universities and provides suggestion in terms of the conception of reforming entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurship curriculum, and the mechanism supporting entrepreneurship among college students.

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Fan, Y. , Zhang, X. and Qiu, Y. (2013) The State of Entrepreneurship Education in Universities in Shanghai, China: A Survey from Students’ Perspective. Creative Education, 4, 92-97. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.42013.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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