Writing Performance, Practices and Locus of Control of the Five Linguistic Groups in Canada


A study with students from the five linguistic groups in Canada were shown to not succeed at the same level. Francophone students performed better, followed by multilingual, anglophone, allophone, and aboriginal students. Allophones tended to use a more internal locus of control. Students who spoke a Native language were shown to spend the least amount of time writing on the Internet compared to the multilingual and anglophone students who spent the most amount of time, and allophones spent the most time outside of class hours working on homework unrelated to writing and doing activities associated with learning to write.

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Bouchamma, Y. , Ruel, C. and Basque, M. (2012) Writing Performance, Practices and Locus of Control of the Five Linguistic Groups in Canada. Creative Education, 3, 1384-1389. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38202.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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