Bipolar Spectrum Disorders and Self-Concept among Males and Females with Parenting Roles


Bipolar spectrum disorders have been found to produce significant psychosocial costs for individuals and society. Although a number of studies have examined various psychosocial and psychological aspects associated with the bipolar spectrum disorders, the research literature has been extremely limited when focused on the parenting role. This current study examined the self-concept among parents who have been diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder. A group of male and female parents with a diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum disorder were assessed using the Tennessee Self-Concept Scales-2. Another group of males and females without a diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum disorder were also assessed for comparison using the same assessment tool. Compared to the non-bipolar parent group, results showed that participants with a diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum disorder showed a significantly lower self-concept marked with doubts, concerns about academic/work performance, and perceptions of being physically diminished, inadequate, alienated, and unworthy of the family role. Findings from this study showed that parents with a bipolar spectrum disorder expressed negative perceptions related to inadequacy as a person across a number of self-concept dimensions. The results expanded upon current descriptions of the psychological dimensions found among individuals diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder.

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Prerost, F. & Song, S. (2012). Bipolar Spectrum Disorders and Self-Concept among Males and Females with Parenting Roles. Psychology, 3, 364-369. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.34051.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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